Finney can remember the day he met Robin Arellano as if it were yesterday. He could remember every tiny little detail down to what he was wearing and what his dad ate that day. It was a moment of peripeteia for him that he could never forget.
Robin can remember the day he met Finney Blake. All the bright lights surrounding them in all the warm colours, the smell of sweet cotton candy and buttered popcorn that filled the air, the feeling of his hand grazing against his own.
July 4th, 1978:
The last bell rang out loudly, breaking Finney away from his day dreaming. Chairs around him scraped the floor loudly as people began to pack away, making him cringe. He pushed his chair out and stood up, slipping his chemistry book into his messenger bag. He slung the bag over his shoulder and quickly left the building, hoping that he didn't bump into any of the wrong people.
He reached the school gates where his sister, gwenny, was already stood, waiting for him. Finney never did understand how she got there so fast.
"Hey." Finney greets. She smiles and pushes herself of the gate, and begins to walk.
"Hey. How was your day?" She asked like she did every day. And every day, Finney gave the same answer.
"Oh, you know." He started. "Long and boring. Nothing new." Finney's days always went the same way. He got up and got ready for school, ran from bullies, hid in the toilets or the library, and then went home. The only day that didn't fall into that schedule was Wednesday when he had baseball practice. Sometimes, Finney wished his life was more interesting or at least a little bit different. He hated the cycle that he was stuck in. "How was yours?"
"Good." She brought her bag in front of her and began to dig into it. Finney raised an eyebrow, wondering what she was looking for. She eventually brings out a crumpled piece of paper out. "Look! I passed my math test!" She held up close to his face. Finney squinted and saw a big red A+.
"Well done." He said, pushing the paper away. She smiled proudly.
"Do you think dad will let me go to the funfair?" She asked with hope. Finney looked at her, uncertainty riddling his face.
"I don't think so. It's a Tuesday. You know he doesn't let us out on school days." He reminded her. Her shoulders fell in disappointment.
"Worth a try, though." She told herself. "Right?"
"I guess." He shrugged his shoulders even though he knew he wouldn't let her go. But they would just have to see.
They eventually reached their house, their dad's rusty truck parked in the driveway. Finney opened the creaky gate, closing it as Gwenny walked in. They opened the door, coming in quietly in case their dad was asleep.
Gwenny peered her head round the corner to the living room, seeing her dad awake on the sofa, reading the newest paper.
"Dad?" He turned his head and smiled.
"Hey, sweetheart. Good day at school?" Finney stayed in the kitchen, watching the two from a distance.
"Yeah!" Terry closed his eyes, annoyed at her sudden loudness.
"Gwen. Quiet down a little. I have a headache." Gwenny frowned, letting her hands drop to her side.
"Sorry, Daddy." She looked back to Finney and then back at her father. "I actually have a question." He picked up the glass of orange juice, taking a sip and waving his hand, telling her to go on. "Do you think I could go the independence day fair?" He placed his glass down and looked to her, a loud sigh escaping his lips.
"I'm sorry, Gwen, but it's a school night, and I don't want you being somewhere like that by yourself. It's not safe."
"But -"
"Gwen." He warned.
"But I got an a plus on my math test today. And what if I didn't go alone? What if Finney went with me?" She pushed. Finn wondered why he was suddenly getting dragged into this. He didn't want to go at all. He knew that there would people that wanted him dead going.
"Finn. Come in here, please." Terry called. Finney dropped his bag to his feet and joined the others in the living room. "Would you go with your sister to the fair later?" Gwenny looked to Finney with pleading eyes.
"Uh." His eyes moved between his dad and his sister as he thought. "I guess." He answered.
"Ok then. You can go." Gwenny squild and jumped in excitement. He put his hand up and stopped her. "But you have to stay with Finney the whole time, and you have to be back before ten."
"Oh, thank you, thank you." She gave him a quick hug. He smiled and rubbed her back gently.
Now Finney had to be surrounded by the annoying public. What could be worse?
A/n: new story cus I'm bored as fuck

Stick around (RINNEY)
Fanfiction"Life was much sweeter and easy with you in it." Finney Blake struggles to make friends. He was awkward and often bullied. One night, something that feels like fate happens, and he gains the best friend he's always asked for, but will it last? Will...