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After Gwenny's consistent pestering, Finney finally got himself up out of bed and changed. He didn't put much effort as he wasn't the type to care for independence day that much. It was just another stupid holiday to him. He just threw on a random blue shirt, some jeans, and a jacket. Gwenny was what Finney would call over the top, wearing red, white, and blue, a small American flag painted on her face, and her hair put into two pig tails.

"You didn't even try!" She complained as the two started their thankfully short walk towards the town centre where the fun fair was being held.

"Well, maybe it's because I don't even want to go to this stupid thing." He scoffed, dragging his feet as they trailed along. Finney liked his sister, but he didn't want to be put on baby-sitting duty for the whole night.

"You never want to do anything." She pointed out. Finney shook his head in disagreement.

"Not true. I just don't like being around big crowds." He corrected her. As they slowly began to approach the centre, they could already hear the blasting music and see the flashy lights. Finney could already tell that he was going to become overstimulated by it all.

"Whatever." Gwen huffed as they reached the centre. "Go have fun, kid." She waved, attempting to walk off. It took a second for Finney to register what she was doing, so he grabbed her shoulder, stopping her from leaving.

"Where are you going? Dad told us we have to stick together." He reminded her. She pushed air out of her lips and rolled her eyes.

"But he's not here?" She gestured her hands around the place. "How would he know?" Finney shifted his weight onto his other foot, taking a moment to himself to ponder.

"Gwen. It's not safe." He said. He knew any person could be roaming around here, and he didn't want his sister by herself. She was too young to be all alone. She rolled her eyes again.

"Oh, please. Susie, Amy, and Cindy are all here. I know you don't want to be stuck with four girls all night long." Finney nodded in agreement. He has heard some of their conversations before, and he never knew if he should be confused or concerned for them.

"Well, what am I meant to do?" He searched through all the busy crowds, the anxious feeling growing inside of his chest. Gwenny shrugged her shoulders.

"Anything you want." She put it plainly. Finney brought a hand up to his face as he began to pick at his lips. It was a bad habit of his, and he knew he should stop.

"Fine." He gave in. "But meet me back here in an hour." She nodded her head before running off, disappearing in the crowd.

Finney sighed dramatically and walked in the opposite direction. He looked around the whole place, trying to think of what he could do to possibly pass the time. The strong smell of popcorn and other sweet treats attacked his senses as he walked past the many food stores that were there. He wasn't that hungry, so he just ignored them.

He didn't even bother looking at the carnival games as he knew they were all rigged and just a waste of time and money. And even if you did win the prizes, they weren't worth anything.

He kept walking until he found himself bumping into someone, forcing his body to the muddy ground.

"Hey! Watch it!" The voice says harshly.

"Sorry." Finney replies quietly. He looked up, blinking slowly. Once his eyes set upon the guy and he realises who it is, he knows that he has to prepare to make a run for it.

"Hey, Finney." Matty peered down at him, his voice coming out overly nice and a forced smirk. Finn glanced behind him, seeing a gap in the crowds. He counts down to three in his head before he pushes himself up and bolts it. "Hey! Get back here!" He hears Matty yell out, but he doesn't stop. He went in zig zags through everyone, making it harder to find him.

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