The violent cracks of thunder echoed throughout the whole of North Denver. It was currently storm season in Colorado, meaning it was thunder and lightning practically every other day.
The two siblings couldn't sleep. They never could when it was weather like this. Gwen hated the loud sounds, and Finney always had to stay up to comfort her.
Their dad had passed out a few hours ago now, and they found themselves bored out of their minds. In the end, they decided to do what any sane person would do and set up a fort made out of blankets and pillows in the living room, a bowl of vanilla ice cream sat between them.
Gwenny sat crossed legged, listening quietly but carefully as Finney explains the conversations that had occurred between him and Robin on the school trip the other day.
"Oh, Finney! Will you be my boyfriend?" Gwenny giggles as she teases her older brother.
"That's not -" He huffed, face planting his face.
"Of course Robin! Mwha mwha mwha!" She mocks, this time a little too loudly, her voice travelling throughout the entirety of the placid house. Finney's eyes widen, his hand coming up to quickly cover her loud mouth. He brought his other hand up to his face, his index finger pressing up against his lips to shush her.
"Hey!" He whisper shouted. "Be quiet, or dad will hear you." He warned, peeking his head out of the fort and cautiously checking the door to his parents' bedroom.
The last thing he needed was for his dad to wake up and hear all about Finney's love life with another boy. Who knows what he would do if he found out.
He heard no new movement, and after a few moments, he knew it was safe. He placed his head back in, shooting her a glare. She could be so stupid sometimes.
She rolled her eyes dramatically and pushed his hand away.
"So, have you guys kissed yet?" She questioned, wanting any sort of gossip to spice up her boring, uneventful life. She's always been one for gossiping, and it sometimes really annoys Finney.
"Gwenny!" He pushed her shoulder.
"Well, have you?"
"Considering we just got together. No." He raised an eyebrow at her. He couldn't believe he even had to say the sentence out loud. Especially to his sister.
"Are you guys going to be hanging out every day? Is he going to walk with us? Am I going to have to third-wheel you two?" She began to ask, speaking at a fast speed.
"Oh my gosh!" He interrupts her annoying tangent. "This is exactly why I don't tell you anything. You're so nosy." Gwenny forms her lips into a pout and crosses her arms over her chest.
"I'm just happy for you, dipshit. I mean, you've never been in a relationship before." She brings up.
"Yeah," He scoffs. "Thanks for reminding me." Gwenny clicks her tongue on the roof of her mouth, about to say something else before the phone begins to ring. A smirk grows on her face.
"Oh, I wonder whose calling at this time?" She says sarcastically. Finney frowns in confusion until he realises who she is talking about. He watches her eyes glisten with mischief as she prepars herself to run.
"Oh no, you don't." Gwenny quickly races out of the fort, Finney chasing after her. He could not allow her to embarrass him. But it was too late. She had already answered the phone and held it up to her ear. "Gwenny! Give me the phone." He demanded, but she ignored him.
"Hello? This is Gwenny Blake speaking." She giggles. "Oh. Hi Robin." Gwen looks back to Finn, wiggling her eyebrows at him, twisting her body to dodge his hand from grabbing the phone from her. "Wait. You don't know? Finney isn't here. He ran away in the night." She lied, mimicking an upset tone in her voice. Finney's eyes widened as he quickly pushed her shoulders and snatched it away from her.
"No, I didn't! Sorry about her." Finn quickly apologises, glaring down at her. He hears Robin let out a sigh of relief from the other side of the line.
"Jeez! Dude. Tell her that's so not funny." Robin speaks in all seriousness.
"Trust me, I'll kill her the next time she says something so stupid like that." Finney speaks into the phone, shooing her away with one hand so he could have some privacy. Stubbornly, she stood her ground, crossing her arms and leaning up against the peeling flowered wallpaper. Finney huffed but moved his attention back to the boy on the phone. "So why are you calling?" He questioned, shifting his stance, awaiting a simple answer.
"Am I not allowed to?" He challenged.
"Well..." Finney paused. "I mean, of course you can, but normally, people call for a specific reason."
"Alright. Alright. I called cause I wanted to know if you wanted a lift to school tomorrow?" Robin offered. He knew that if he had to walk to school every day, he would get tired of it and would jump at the chance.
"Ummm." Finney pondered, looking to his sister. He could already feel the guilt start to set in his stomach as he imagines her walking all by herself. No one to talk to. No one to keep her safe. "Well, what about Gwenny?" The girl in question suddenly perks up with curiosity at the mention of her name.
"Well, it's really up to her if she wants to be stuck in a car with us and Vance."
"And Vance is ok with all of this?" Finn asked with uncertainty. He didn't want to envade their friendship like some type of parasite, slowly trying to rip them apart. He didn't want Vance to feel like a third wheel or feel like he's being replaced by some scrawny nerd.
"Yeah!" Robin answered. "It was actually all his idea." He said in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Alright." Finney said, finally caving in.
"Great!" Robin chirped, beaming brightly with happiness. Just the sheer thought of his best friend and his boyfriend getting a long and being by his side made him smile. Vance never liked anyone Robin dated, so him offering to drive Finney to school was a massive deal. "I'll see you tomorrow then." He announces.
"Ok." Finn smiled.
"Good night, Robin."
"Sleep well." Robin added.
"You too."
"Robin. Hang up the phone." Finney demanded with a soft chuckle, catching on to Robins time wasting. He hears nothing from the other line for a moment.
"But-i don't want to." Robin finally replies, his voice coming out needy.
"I'll just do it then." Finney shrugs, removing the phone from his ear, about to set it back, but before he can, he hears Robin yell for him to wait. Intrigued by what he had to say, he pulled the phone back up to his ear. "I'm listening."
"Look. I don't expect you to say it back. Actually, I don't want you to say it back. But I just wanted you to know I love you." Robin quickly rambles.
Finney felt his heart swell at Robin's understanding. He knows Finney is too scared to voice his own emotions, but he doesn't even have to when it comes to them. For as long as the two stick with each other, Robin will always know that Finney feels the same way about him. No one has ever quite got Finney. Not like Robin. And that was special.
"Good night, Robin." Finney says for a second time tonight, his cheeks red and a love-sick smile plastered on his face.
"Good night, Finn."
After a second, the phone clicks dead. The soft hum of an empty line buzzed into Finney's ear like a small symphony. He sets the receiver back onto the hook and smiles to himself.
He then suddenly remembered that Gwenny was next to him. He looks over towards her direction and is met with a playful grin.
"Shut up." He says, looking away in embarrassment.
"I didn't even say anything!" She whines.

Stick around (RINNEY)
Fanfiction"Life was much sweeter and easy with you in it." Finney Blake struggles to make friends. He was awkward and often bullied. One night, something that feels like fate happens, and he gains the best friend he's always asked for, but will it last? Will...