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Students staggered loudly onto the school bus, messing around and shoving each other in an attempt to get to the back seats first. Finney calmly got on, making his way down the narrow aisle and planting himself down on a window seat near the front. He placed his messenger bag down on the seat next to him, figuring no one would want to sit by him. He didn't mind. He had actually started to come to terms with his peace.

He liked long bus rides. It was a chance for him to get lost in his own little world. An escape from his horrific excuse of a life. He enjoyed watching the scenery of the cursed town pass by behind him. It makes him feel like he's finally free. Finally released.

Someone clears their throat as they stand by the aisle expectantly. He furrows his eyebrows but then spots those perfectly ruby painted nails tapping against the fabric of blue flared jeans. Finney only knew one person with nails like that. He smiles as he looks up to the pretty brunette.

"Hey, science partner. Can I sit with you?" She asks, pointing towards the seat currently taken up by his school bag. She speaks with such confidence, her words always coming out clear and perfectly. That's one thing Finney likes about her. He quickly scrambles to remove it and set it down beneath his feet. The corner of her lips pulls upwards as she gracefully places herself next to him. "I've never been to a zoo before." She randomly states.

"Really?" He asks with a smirk. Donna closes her mouth, making her lips small as she shakes her head bashfully.

"Maybe when I was like two or something. But I don't think that counts." She shrugged, tucking the loose strand of hair behind her ear, showing off her faint freckles. continues to talk, knowing Finney is more of a listener than a yapper, so she does all the chatting in the friendship. "It beats going to school, though. And I'm excited to see the lions." She closes her eyes and leans her head back against the soft seat. "If they have them." She adds on, opening her eyes again and looking to Finn. "Do you think they'll have them?"

Finney shrugged his shoulders exactly like she did. He had been to a few zoos but never Lakewood Zoo, so he didn't know what they had or not. "Probably." He answered. She seems to accept this answer.

A person freezes in front of the two, their hands still tightly gripped to the top of the seats. Finney glances upwards but instantly frowns as their eyes make contact. He watches as Robin's gaze shifts between the two, a hint of betrayal glinting behind those rich chocolate eyes. Their last argument with each other began to echo throughout Finney's mind. Robin is the first to break, pulling his gaze towards the blonde who was calling him at the back. He pushes himself towards him, leaving the site before he gets too upset.

Donna stares at Finney, noticing how his whole demeanour shifts. He folds in on himself, dropping into a ball of sadness. He forces his eyes down and starts to pick at his lips. Anyone with eyes could see how miserable he was without Robin. It began to make Donna wonder.

"What happened between you two?" She asks, the question spilling out of her mouth before she even had time to think it through. She mentally slaps herself for being too nosy. She didn't mean to pry on other people's lives. She was just a naturally curious person. "Sorry. You don't have to tell me."

Finney shakes his head. "No. It's ok." He reassured. "We just got into a little fight and haven't spoken in a few weeks." He explains, leaving out the core details like Robin confessing and Finney crying almost every day. He doesn't tell her this. Partially out of embarrassment and partly because he doesn't fully trust her.

"I'm sorry, Finney. You guys seemed to be really close." She places her soft hand onto his shoulder and rubs it gently whilst also giving him an empathetic look.

The boy moves around awkwardly in his seat. He doesn't really want to touch on the subject anymore.

It hurts enough seeing him walk straight past him in the halls as if nothing ever happened between them. It hurt to see him ignore all the new bruises and cuts that had formed on Finney's face.

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