Chapter 2: Million Miles Away

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(A/N) I noticed all kinds of horrible horrible mistakes in the previous chapter. Do forgive me for those. It's hard to edit your own work. I hope you like this chapter!  

Please take the time to vote and comment, it would mean lots! The picture to the right is actually how I'd imagined Indy to look. Sorry for any and all typo's!


A Few Days Later...

I sighed. This is it. I was a million miles away from home facing the biggest, most magnificent castle of all kind. It was made of stone and it was so beautiful, as it extended across three acres. A main building stood a few feet in front of the others. Each building stood a few feet before the next, forming a V.  

At least six thousand people can easily be accommodated here. If it weren't for the scholarship, I'm sure it wouldn't have been easy to afford.

Were there really so many of us? I wondered.

"Okay, mom and dad. I'm here. If I don't come back for the holidays, it means one of the tigers have eaten me for snack. So remember that I love you..oh and sue this school." I said into the reciever.

Mom huffed and dad laughed.

"You'll have fun. I'm sure of it." dad said.

"Be careful honey. Don't cause trouble. If you do, don't get caught." mom said, with a laugh in her voice.

I grinned. "Have I ever gotten caught?"

"That's 'cause you never did anything, right?" dad asked in a confused voice.

I just laughed.

"Uh-huh. Yeah. That's what it is." I said.

"Love you, sweetie." mom said against dad's spluttering response.

Laughing I kept the phone. I looked up at the gate. God, these gargoyle's looked scary as shit. They were about ten feet tall, and their cruel, beady eyes trained were on you, like they knew you were going to mess up and we're ready to make barbecue of you.

Gulping, I walked towards the gates...that opened on their on. I must have jumped a mile in the air, suitcase and all. And I wouldn't be surprised if my hair was in just-got-electric-shock style.

"Jesus." I muttered. "Way to scare, newbees."

They should put a warning up, 'Doors open on their own'. God. Smoothing my hair down, I dragged my suitcase with me, into the castle. I was kinda expecting it so I didn't jump when the next set of doors opened. They led into a golden light lit corridor, where a lady in white awaited me.

I checked to make sure she had legs, just in case, before walking closer.

"Hello, my name is Indigo McCallen." I said, holding out my hand to her. I detected curiosity and a hint of worry when she saw me from afar. But as soon as I closed in on her I felt her emotions take a turn to trust and affection. 

Okay, that part I'm used to.  

"Hello, Indigo, I'm Maya White. I'm the Head Coordinator of this school. I hope you enjoy everything that we have to offer to you." she said, her voice crisp, and her smile sincere.  

"I hope so too." I murmured.  

Wonder what she was.  

"You might want to hide your thoughts. Some may take advantage of that." she said as she started to lead me down the corridor.  

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