Chapter 23: Time to S.I.N.G

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I blinked and my vision blurred, and the all black ski masked guys in front of us were just part of the dark night. That was when I realized what was happening.

“Why am I drunk?” I hissed at my mate who was standing smack-dab in front of me.

He turned to throw me a smirk.

“I can’t wait to tell you the things you told me in there.” he said.

I was about to kick him, when one of the lamely dressed dude’s stepped forward and spoke up.

“Hand over the Empath.”

I said “What the hell for?” the same time Nathan suggested the guy do something anatomically impossible.

I raised my eyebrows.

“Stop swearing.” I grumbled at him.

He looked back at me with a sly grin.

“It may be rude, but you said it sounded sexy on me.”

When the hell had I said that? Oh shit. I’m never coming to another party again.

“It is NOT!”

“You said so.”

“I was drunk and when you’re drunk, yes means no!” I said shoving at his back.

The fashion disaster of a guy swore at us and darted forward with his thin sword to slash at Nathan.

The guy came to a halt when sword thingy bent itself in half in his hands and flopped to the floor.

I let out a laugh and felt Nathan smirk in front of me.

“Please, don’t insult me with that toothpick.” Nathan said, rolling his eyes at the sword dude.

As the sword dude sputtered, Nathan took two strides forward, swung and used the momentum to slam his leg onto the guy’s temple.

He was out cold in three seconds flat and it looked like he didn’t know what hit him.

I swallowed.

Cripe. That was sexy.

Nathan was onto the next guy and just when I was thinking of grabbing some popcorn and settling back to watch my mate fight the bad guys, some ass grabbed me from behind.

I struggled for two seconds and he balanced himself closer to me so that his feet were bracketing mine.

Nathan’s eyes flew to mine and panic filled them as the guy he’d just punched flew across the alleyway.

I jammed my elbow into my captor’s solar plexus and a satisfying oomph let him.


Time for step two.

I stepped on my captor’s instep.

Real. Hard.

My captor took sharp intake of breath and had a slight stumble in balance, which caused him to slightly loosen his hold on me, so I was able to rear my head back and smash it into his nose.

He stumbled back, calling me indecent names and holding his nose that was gushing blood.

I held onto his shoulders and rammed my knee into his groin.

He fell to his knees, alternating between holding his nose and hunching into himself and holding himself between the legs.

After one shocked second, another guy grabbed my hand.

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