Chapter 22: High On You

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“When I am with you, we stay up all night.
When you're not here, I can't go to sleep.
Praise God for those two insomnias!
And the difference between them.” 
― Rumi


I didn’t linger in the room to even look in the mirror once Sara was done with her…”work”. I didn’t want her to change her mind and make me sit down for any longer.

I ran out of the room, running my hands through my hair. It felt smoother than it usually was and it was so straight that it was a little freaky. I haven’t ever straightened it before...yeah yeah living in a cave and/or under a rock blah blah I know.

I marched forward, praying to God that I looked okay and that whatever Sara had put on my face made me look like nice and not like a deer in the headlights…all spotted and brown and with light on her face.

I shuddered.

Sara had grabbed my purse, thank God, and threw me a disapproving look while she handed it to me. Giving her a choir boy smile I walked past Jeff, who raised his eyebrows at my hasty retreat.

Once I was in a safe distance from Sara, I breathed a sigh and the smile I had on my face faded and I looked up. Stars dotted the inky black night sky, looking like sparkling jewels.

It was just as beautiful as it was eerie.

I continued to walk when someone caught my arm.

I looked around to see a smiling Scott.

He jerked his head to the opposite direction.

“That way.” he said, tugging me along.


I followed Scott and waited with him and Sara and Jeff near the bus stop. My eyebrows rose when I saw how many people were gathering up…and my mood plummeted when I saw that Nathan was there too. His eyes snapped to mine and turned a perfect soft green as he took me in. His eyes stopped at my hair that flowed down my shoulders, and he tilted his head slightly to the left, like he found something confusing. I held in a smile at that and turned away, even as I continued to feel the restless energy between my mate and me snap in the air, making me want to turn to him.

God, if I had a penny for the number of times I wanted to look at him, I could probably pay Nate back for the bracelet he bought me.


When the bus came, people rushed in before us and we, along with quite a few others, were left standing. I leaned against the rod that stood in the middle of the bus. What’s the point of that thing anyway?

Every time the bus halted or jerked I was pushed onto Scott, or some other guy standing near me. I got off the rod thingy because it was digging into my back.

Damn rod.

Sara was across from me and grinning at me like Cheshire cat. I raised an eyebrow at her, before my spine straightened. I felt familiar heat at my back.


He growled at the guys around me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He was wearing a long sleeved black cotton shirt and black jeans. His hair was its usual tousled mess, but his eyes seemed…happier. Like he was comfortable and amused.

Oh yeah, I bet he was comfortable.

He had his chest to my back and his hold was making me have to lean against it. I squirmed, trying to get out of his reach.

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