Chapter 19: The Promise

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Dedicated to everyone who hates it when people leave, but understand that they have to go, and to people who hate leaving but have to go anyway.

<3 everyone who's given my book a chance. Vote and comment guys :D Sorry for typo's. 


Walking away from my mate when a she-cat had her hands wrapped around him was the hardest thing I'd done in my life. Ever. Anger, frustration ripped through me, but pain tore my heart into two. But I saw to it that none of it went through the bond. He wouldn't feel a thing from me.

I had enough pride to not let him know that what he was doing was affecting me. Actually he probably already knows, hell if I'll prove him right. 

Wish I had an apple with me though, so I could flick it on his thick uncaring skull. 

"Indy?" an affectionate voice called out to me.

I turned and looked at Jeff, who's head was tilted and a small smile on his lips. He came forward to give me a hug, which I returned, heels and all.

"Are you okay, D?" he asked me, placing his. arm around me.

I nodded. "Just peachy." I said.

He threw me a dubious look and pressed my cheek to the side of his chest, rubbing shoulder while my hand was around his waist.

"You're a terrible liar." he said.

I scrunched my nose. "And you smell weird."

"Oh, ha ha." he said, then looked around. I looked up to see his eyes squint and his body still.

He could probably see Nate and the she-devil.

"Give him a chance, D." he whispered. 

I looked up at the wolf in shock, my eyes going fully amber with no whites.

"You're defending him?!" I asked, surprised.

Jeff shook his head in denial. 

"No, I'm just telling you from the animal's point of view. The animal won't let the man do something like that unless it's something to protect you."

"Yeah, like letting some ho-bag rub herself against him?" I snapped, anger digging its sharp claws into me.

"True that." he said, patting my head like I was his pet.

I swatted at his hand and he laughed and his happiness seeped a little into me and I couldn't help but smile.

"Wait near the gate, I'll bring Sara and we can go get something to eat." he said.

I made a frowny face and grumbled "I don't really wanna go.."

"I was thinking we can get some ice cream but I guess-"

I was running to the gate before he could finish, screaming over my shoulder "See you at the gate!"

Ice cream FTW!

I was jumping a little on the balls of my feet with just one thought going through my head.

Ice cream! Ice cream!

But then so were other thoughts, thoughts that would bring me down, drown me in my own sorrow so much that I won't be able to breathe. So I did what I had to do to breathe. 

I ignored it. But luck wasn't on my side. It looked like all the deities were on Ruby's side. Because the cat with her hand entwined with my mate's was walking towards me, with a few of her friends and their boyfriends. Nathan's looked me in the eye, an almost longing look on his face, but it was gone do fast I thought I'd imagined it.

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