Chapter 18: Pictures In His Head

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A/N: I'm watching my fav movie and wondering just about how much media affects us. Okaaaaay. Random thoughts. *clears throat* Anyway, I hope you enjoy :))) This is for my best friend who's leaving and I don't want her to go and I don't think I tell her this

I'm going to miss you, Bu Bu. Don't go.

A small quote that moved me.

"If i were to live for 100 years, I would choose to live for 100 years minus one day so that I never have to live a day without you." ---Unknown


I felt a tug along my bond with Nate. I tugged back and a flood of relief came through.

At that precise moment, blood-curling screams erupted in the air, assaulting my ear drums. My hands snapped of their own accord against my ears. The sound was battering at my head, watering my eyes and chipping at my walls.

I swore and felt Sara place her hand against my shoulder. A speaker over head was blasting on about moving in an orderly fashion. But everyone was shuffling about, banging into one another in a chaotic mess of bodies.

Suddenly the crowd carried me their way. My hands were still over my ears as I ran with the crowd, desperately trying to control the Empath in me who'd gotten excited at the presence of so much of emotion around me.


I looked around for somewhere with no sound, before my Empath pushed her way out and absorbed everything in her way.

Emotions may be her strength but it was also her weakness.

The forest!

I shot into the forest surrounding the vast campus, my breath coming out in fast bursts of air in front of me. I ran away from the sound and chaos, shoring up my walls so strong nothing could get out and nothing could leak in. 

I ran till I couldn't hear a single shout from the campus. I stopped running,  dropping to my knees, my hands on my things and gasping in air. I let out a cough and realized that my hair had fallen from the hair tie which I'd lost somewhere along my expedition.

Sighing I crawled over to sit between the gigantic roots of a mother of a tree and leaned against it.

Trees are definitely my most favourite organisms. They're fill me with a sense of calm that seems almost unreal and something I'd come to crave in moments of extreme stress. Nature had a way of pulling your mind away from all the crap and taking you places you wish really existed.

I sat up. Crap. My parents are going to be worried sick. Nathan too. Getting up, I was reluctant to leave the although temporary, secure blanket offered by the trees. I slowly traced my way back.

I would kill for a compass now. Or a map. Or a God damn sense of direction.

Sighing, I placed my hands against any and all trees along the way, taking comfort from their presence.

As soon as I stepped over a tree root, Nathan's phone started beeping.

Cursing, I pulled it out, sliding it open and placing it against my ear.

"Indy." my mate's voice breathed in relief.

"Kitten, where ARE you?"

I squinted my eyes. "Oh. Um..I think close by. Don't worry. I'll find you."

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