9: Floor 38

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Goob's POV:


"Scraps is that you...?"

"You're awake, but it seems you have lost your ability to hear." Shrimpo sighed as I got up. 

"Where are we?" I ask.

"According to that elevator, we're on floor 38."

"FLOOR WHAT?!?" I shriek. Shrimpo slaps a hand over my mouth. 

"HUSH. Oh, now's a pretty good time to also tell you that Twisted Sprout and Twisted Scraps are here too." Shrimpo tells me.

"Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh we're not gonna make it out alive!" I wail. "Dandy's gonna be so worried that we're gone and then when it's announced that we're dead Scraps will be miserable and cry and so will the other toons-"

"This is great- you know what, got a wrench?" Shrimpo interrupts me.

"Uh... no I only have this dog plush and- ooh there's the coin purse!" I found the coin purse that Teagan gave to everybody. It also gives us some tapes that Dandy has, but I don't know how Teagan managed to do that.

"GOSH YOU'RE SELLING US. All I have is this alarm and this vanity mirror." Shrimpo huffs beside me.

"Why do you even have a vanity mirror..."

"To admire myself." Right, I forgot who I was talking to.

"Well... how many machines are there?" I ask.

"Don't panic, although you probably are, but there's 14..." Shrimpo sighed.

"Goob, this is great! We can earn more ichor, and we can get better at machines, and we can get research! And even better, I can strenghten my bond with Shrimpo!" I tell myself and hug Shrimpo right next to me. 

"Whatever. We probably should get going." Shrimpo flicked my arm away and began working on a machine. 

"I'll try to distract, and you tell me where you are!" I told him. Shrimpo nods. A few minutes pass, and only 2 machines have been completed since we split up. Twisted Sprout is constantly chasing me, even when I try to regain my stamina, he can see me! And I haven't even seen Twisted Scraps yet! Not to mention that Twisted Teagan, Twisted Poppy, and Twisted Brightney are also following me. I saw Twisted Finn somewhere, but I haven't found him yet! I just hope that Shrimpo is okay...

Shrimpo's POV:

NOPE, NOPE NOT DYING TODAY. I dodge one of Twisted Scraps's attacks, barely. Twisted Finn is still chasing me. OH MY GOD I'M ON 2 HEARTS, PLEASE SPARE ME. 

"GOOB!!! TAKE THESE GOD AWFUL TWISTEDS AWAY FROM ME NOW!!!" I scream. He's probably all the way across the map, though. I pant, my stamina down to 20. I grab some gumballs off of the floor and chew all 3 of them at once. To my surprise and luck, I got the green gumballs, giving my stamina regeneration a boost. I swallow them quickly, to get a chocolate bar. OW... Twisted Scraps got me with her stupid long tail. My stamina is down to 10, despite the gumballs and chocolate's effects. Twisted Finn is right about to get me, and Twisted Scraps saw me again. I guess I'm about to die now. I take my final breaths before collapsing, accepting my fate.


(Don't worry, Shrimpo isn't dead... or maybe he is and I'm just lying to you. Maybe the next and final chapter will be about Shrimpo's funeral)

(I love cliffhangers)

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