Scraps' POV:
Shrimpo. Oh, I always knew he'd get in my brother's way. Goob LIKES him, of all people. In fact, I saw Goob blushing just then. AND I saw that bully shrimp blushing too! WHAT IS HAPPENING?? I step out of my hiding spot, where it looks like I just exited the room. Reality is, that I was eavesdropping. And spying. What can I say? Whatever Goob and Shrimpo here have is suspicious. Shrimpo blushing? Him accepting Goob's hug?
"Oh hey sis!" Goob's voice chimes.
"Hey Goob! What's up?" I know what's up. He has a crush on that pesky shrimp.
"Oh, nothing, I was just talking to Shrimpo." He gestures toward the room, covered with angry scratch marks. I hear more thudding inside.
"...Maybe it's best if we talk inside our room." I suggest. Goob nod as we head back to our room. As I close the door, Goob tells me everything.
"Guess what? Shrimpo hugged me back! I was just checking up on him, and when I hugged him he hugged me back! Yay! Maybe he's having a change of heart? Oooh, I'm one of his good deeds!" Goob rambled on and on, as I planned to interrupt him.
"Hey Goob, say, have you and Shrimpo...been getting close together?" Jackpot. Goob's face flushes pomegranet red.
"I mean, yeah, I mean, he's a pretty good friend..." He mutters the last word with disgrace. I smirk.
"Wouldn't you want to be more than friends?" I tease him even more. His face goes beet red. Haha, he looks so silly like this!
Goob's POV:
"Well- uhm..." I struggle with a response. SCRAPS WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME. "O-of course! I want us to be uhm-" I stutter even more. She didn't mean... romantic lovey dovey stuff, right? I can see me and Shrimpo in that posititon and quickly shake it off of my head. N-nah, my brain just malfunctioned.
"Don't you want you and Shrimpo to be best friends, right?" I exhale a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. THANK YOU SISTER!
"Y-yeah, that's what I meant." My face is still burning like crazy, and I can feel it. "I'm- I'm gonna gotakeamidnightglassofmilkbyeScrapsseeyousoonbyee!!" I rush the last words out of my mouth as I stumble through the doorway and close it. I sigh. What are these feelings... Ooh! I'll ask Shrimpo since he's the one who I have these weird feelings about! I'll talk to him tomorrow!

Need a hug? (Hatefulhugs fanfic)
أدب الهواةIdk what I'm doing lol Cover art by @crumbmationz on X