22: That's Just What You Think

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Shrimpo's POV:

Goob was still sleeping, so I just walked out of my room. The first thing I saw was a note written in horrible handwriting, IN CRAYON. The note read:

Hey Shrimpo!

I hope you're hafing fun with your BOYFREIND.

- By A Secret Mesenger

Wow, Toodles. Very secretive. I tossed the note back in my room, and walked through the hallway. When I got to the kitchen, Sprout and Cosmo were basically bombarding me with information.

"Shrimpo! EVERYONE KNOWS!!" Cosmo giggled.

"Yeah! So... how'd you get in him?" Sprout asked. I rolled my eyes, although I could tell I was blushing.

"Shut up. Like I'd tell you." I scoffed.

"So you DO admit that you like him!!" Cosmo giggled again. I walked to the elevator, perferrably to do a run to get my mind off of this. As I walked in the elevator, I watched the seconds tick down. 5...4...3...2...1- Hey- Just at the last second I saw Connie blink into view. Oh great. The elevator went down, and we got to the point where we could pick our trinkets. 

"What do you want." I snapped at her. She smirked. 

"I just wanted to see if you would admit it yourself." She remarked. "Could be fake news, y'know."

"Whatever." I remarked. I walked out of the elevator, and completed the first machine after some minutes with my wrench. As soon as I finished my machine, Connie appeared right next to me.

"Are you gonna admit it now?" She teased.

"You wish I would." I scoffed. After like, 10 minutes, Connie and I finally completed all of the machines. I saw Connie disappearing near the elevator, which means... oh no. I try to dodge Twisted Poppy's attack, but I still got hit. If only Goob was here to pull me in. I ran back to the elevator at two hearts.

"Woah there, you alright?" Connie asked me. 

"Yeah. Let's just go up or something." I huffed. She crossed her arms.

"No way! It's only floor 2!" She argued.

"You're annoying! I want to do a run on my own!" I argued back. 

"You mean you want to do a run with Goob, doncha?" She replied. I stood there, slightly blushing. 

"You know what? Fine. I do like him. Now can we please go up?" I begged. She smirked. 

"Sure thing!" Connie pressed the button for the elevator to go back up. I walked back to my room once the elevator reached the lobby.

"Shrimpo!" Goob yelled from across the lobby. I felt stares at me as I walked towards him. Okay, here's what I have to say: I don't care! I hugged Goob as I motioned for him to walk towards my room. 

"Did anyone talk to you-" 

"Yup." Goob cut me off. "I listened to what Scraps and Poppy said, and I just admitted the truth. Is that okay with you?" 

"Yeah, I admitted it too." I tell him. I open the door. Wow.

"Uh- thanks?" I say while blushing. Goob smiles.

"Of course! Do you like it?" I look at my room. Goob decorated my walls with a string of hearts, each of them with words. I go closer. Wow. Each of them says a kind thing about me that even I don't think. 

"I-I love it." I admit. "Are you sure these are true though?" 

"Yeah! Who wouldn't think that?" The rest of Gardenview, but I don't say that out loud. 

"This must've took so much effort..." I remark. "You really didn't have to do this..."

"Yeah, I didn't have to do it! But I did!" Goob says happily. I kiss him on the lips like I did this morning while he was asleep. As I pull away, someone opened the door. I swivel around to see who it was- Oh, Gigi.

"Mwhehe- Did you two just kiss?" She asks. I instantly blushed. Good thing Goob piped up for me.

"Y-yeah? What about it?" He said. Gigi tilted her head.

"Oh, nothing. I never knew you two were gay though." 

"I am not gay!" I shouted. "I'm-"

"Okay, Mr. Grumpy." She cut me off. "I never knew you two were lovers either-"

"Number one: That's just what you think. Number two: GET OUT." I snap. She closes the door with a giggle.

"Uh- did you have to kick her out so soon?" Goob asked me. I shrug. 

"I guess? She was being kind of annoying-"

"Because she still owes me 2 nerds, 3 smarties, and a starburst." Goob explains. 

"You seriously are addicted to candies, Goob." I sigh, then smile. "You're too cute for me."

(I HAVE RETURNED FROM THE DEAD!! I AM STILL ALIVE!!! I was just uhhhhhh watching Earth GOB edits-)

(This title was a reference to a Korean song that I kinda like, it's a catchy song and my guilty pleasure)

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