Chapter 14

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The next day Legend P.O.V

We were currently in bed, eating smashburger and watching scary movies.

I finished my chicken sandwich and fries; true still had some fries in his bag. His phone vibrated, giving me a chance to steal some fries.

I quickly stuck my hand in the bag and shoved the fries into my mouth. He looked at me and sucked his teeth "you ain't slick legend, I saw you." I shrugged at being caught "let's watch something else, this movie ain't scary."

I hated syfy movies, nothing on here was realistic, from the flying sharks to the oversized killing spiders.

He plugged up the dvd player before pulling out three movies "scream, freddy vs jason, or it?"

Ghostface was overrated, I seen freddy vs Jason a thousand times, and it was too old for me to pay attention "none, let's just watch the grudge." I decided

While the credits were rolling true went to pop some popcorn. "Don't forget the sour patch kids!" i yelled after him. Popcorn and sour patch kids was my all time favorite. Once he came back I dumped the candy into the bowl being sure to mix it around, then shoveling a handful into my mouth.

True shook his head, I ignored his judgmental stares. He never agreed with my eating habits, but he put up with it because he loved me.

I took the time to admire him, he was rough around the edges.

No one knew him like I did though, he was caring, loyal, compassionate, and all around a good man, he just had a bad attitude problem. I also wasn't blind to the side hustle he had before, I choose to let him learn from his mistake though.

He caught me staring and smirked, to say he was attractive would be an understatement. True was gorgeous; from his chocolate skin to his pretty brown eyes, to his kissable pink lips.

I blushed at the thought at his lips, back in high school I heard his mouth could do some wonderful things. I could feel myself heating up, I squeezed my legs together at the thought of his lips kissing all over my body and my pu- "you alright legend?"

I shifted my gaze back to the tv mumbling a quiet yeah.

I knew he could tell I was flustered thanks to my light skin, I don't know what came over me. I never looked at true liked that before.

True P.O.V

I gazed at legend with a knowing look, i heard her stiffle a moan.

I never saw the sexual side of legend, it was amusing. "Legend you still a virgin?"

She choked on her popcorn, I laughed while patting her back. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the mini fridge, she took it and damn near drunk the whole bottle.

She glared at me " that's none of your business."

"You are my business, its a simple question, are. you. still. a. virgin?"

At first I thought she wasn't going to answer me, before she nodded her head yes. I laughed, because I never knew legend had a shy side.

"Stop laughing at me, it's not funny!"

"Its good you're still a virgin, I'm proud of you legend."

"Whatever true, can we talk about something else?"

"What was you moaning about?"

Her face displayed shock, she groaned before looking away from me. "Legend?"

"Leave me alone true."

"Why you can't answer me?"

"Because I - I um, it's embrassing okay!"

The movie went off a couple minutes ago, so we were sitting in complete silence. Legend avoided my gaze.

I cleaned up our trash and turned the tv off, before getting back in bed. I pulled legend close to me "it's okay legend, you don't have to be embrassed."

It was silent for awhile "what does receiving head feel like?"

It dawned on me on how much of a virgin she really was. "To me it's the best feeling in the world, next to getting pussy."

She nodded, I knew she didn't fully understand though. "Why you ask?"

She shrugged "I was just wondering?"

She starting playing with my chin hairs and I knew she wanted to ask me something, she always did that in a way to soothe me into saying yes.

It worked most of the time. "What you want legend?"


I turned over facing my back to her I knew she would cave sooner or later. She signed "okay, iwantyoutogivemehead."

It took a minute before I understood what she said, I couldn't believe she asked me. Legend was beautiful, but that was a line I couldn't cross.


"Oh come on, why not, it's not like I'm going to fall in love with you or anything. I just wanna know how it feels."


"Stop being a pussy."

I shook my head deciding to head downstairs. I double checked that all the doors and windows were locked. After what happened last night I would be looking for a new place to stay! When I opened the door there was no one there, but a box filled with pictures and information of me that nobody knew about.

I sighed at all the drama going on, jail was way more peaceful than this!

Legend P.O.V

True was overreacting, I mean I knew what I was asking was a little on the crazy side. I just wanted to know what it felt like.

True was the only person I could trust with my body. He was acting like I was going to fall in love with him and beg to have his babies. I knew asking him was going to make him feel some type of way.

I turned the lamp on and slowly slid into my chair, I had been holding my pee for the longest.

After using the bathroom I got back into bed, I decided to watch some TV. Of course the remote would be on the dresser, changing my mind I decided to watch Netflix on my tablet.

I needed to catch up on orange is the new black. I grabbed my fruit salad and some minute-maid out the mini fridge.

I turned the light off and watched the first three episodes before drifting off to sleep.

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