Chapter 6

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Two Weeks Later "Legend you cheated! " true huffed while sitting down at one of the many benches the park had to offer.

Legend laughed before sitting on the opposite side of true, "I didn't cheat, you just can't play."

They were playing basketball, and every chance she got legend tripped true or tried to pull his basketball shorts down. without the cheating, true still would've lost; playing basketball was not one of his many talents.

True mugged her "man what! I'm the best player out here, they call me the hood Michael Jordan. " He stood up and tried to shoot a three pointer, missing terribly. Legend fall over laughing, true sucked his teeth "man it must be the wind or something, let me try again!"

Legend grabbed his arm, "please don't, you embarrassed yourself enough!"

It got quiet as they sat watching the younger kids on the block, things have gotten a lot better since they were kids. It was less violence in the neighborhood and the park was cleaner then it used to be. they had real basketball hoops, actual balls to play with; that weren't flat. Even the bathrooms were usable.

Legends phone started vibrating, looking down she saw it was damien, she rolled her eyes. she hadn't heard from in a couple weeks, even though she knew messing with damien was trouble waiting to happen. she still enjoyed his company.

where you at, i need to talk to you?

at the park with true, where you been at ine heard from you in a couple of weeks!?

dont worry bout where i been at!!! why you with that fuck nigga?

you better fix your attitude boy, im grown i can chill with who i please!

fuck you bitch, you fake af

She was shocked, damien never talked to her like that before. He was always so positive and cool headed. So to see him flip like this let her know all that nice guy stuff was just an act. she decided not to entertain him, if he was going to act like a childish little boy then she no longer needed him in her life. the sun was now setting, "you ready to go?" legend nodded. they walked to the car, neither of them speaking. On the ride back to her house she got 6 text messages from ricardo, but one stuck out to her.

quit acting like a dumb bitch & text me fucking back

"No this nigga didn't call me a bitch" she thought.

"Huh" true asked.

Legend mentally slapped herself learn to talk in your head bitch!

"Legend you alright" true asked trying not to laugh at her.

Legend was embarrassed but said that nothing was wrong with her. True heard what she said, and knew it had something to do with damien. he decided to stay out of it for now! When they arrived at her house a few minutes later, he could tell legend was still distracted.

He ordered pizza and turned on her favorite movie Funny Valentine. legend went to her room to freshen up, while she was in the shower true went through her phone. true saved damien numbers in his phone then deleted the thread between damien and legend, and made sure to block his number.

He would deal with him later, right now he wanted to focus on making sure legend was okay.

The clock read 9:25PM the pizza had arrived and legend was now out of the shower; dressed in PINK pajamas. "you wanna talk about it?" she shook her head no. "you'll be okay, you don't need to be focused on niggas anyway!"

She tried to keep a straight face, but couldn't true and her brothers still thought she was little ass girl. She was grown as hell, most women her age were married with kids. She was still young and still had her whole life ahead of her, but she wanted someone to share it with. She loved teaching and wanted to one day open up her own daycare. she even thought about opening a community center for the neighborhood.

True nudged her taking her out of her thoughts "see now you smiling and shit, what you thinking bout?"

She shrugged not knowing if she should tell him, "I was thinking about opening my open daycare one day, cause you know i love kids." true nodded at that, "and also a community center, you know Mr. Johnson closed his down a couple years ago, and the kids around here need something like that to keep them on the right track.

True nodded understanding where she was coming from. "Anything you want, you can get it. You know we got you legend." the room fell silent, true looked at the time 9:55PM and decdied to head home.

Legend walked him to the door, making sure to lock it once he was gone.


Before going home true decided to stop by walmart for some groceries. Walking into the store, he grabbed a buggy. He spent 30 minutes grabbing everything he needed, before going to the check out line.

He was thankful the line wasn't long.

After loading his groceries into the car, he went straight home. It was silent and lonely when he walked in. While putting up the groceries he thought about Erica.

He really missed her, he just couldn't grasp his mind around the fact that she was everything people said she would be; a liar, a cheater, and sneaky. True was glad she left quietly and didn't fuck up his house. He felt dumb though how could he not know all the years that his girlfriend was fucking with his enemy. They had a family; two little boys.

True chuckled a little getting angry, she played him. He wanted to know why, what was the plan?

He was hurt and confused and wanted revenge, he knew to play it cool though. No one knew about the information, he was keeping it to hisself until he found out more details.

He took a shot of hennesy to calm his nerves.

He would play this smart, he would hit up a dude named rat; his name was exactly what he was used for. knowing all he had to do was spare a couple dollars and he would tell the whole story.

He would cross his t's and dot his i's when it comes down to this situation. He couldn't wait to fuck shit up, he smiled they done fucked with the wrong one. He wouldn't do anything crazy, but he was going to shake shit up a bit. His life was going good and he wanted to keep it that way.

He got promoted at the car shop and was now general manager. His mother finally came out and told him about her being married, true was happy for her. She admitted to be being scared to tell him and he understood why, but his father was dead and gone he didn't expect his mother to be alone because of it.

He had yet to meet the man, but he would soon since his mother was planning a dinner for them in the up coming week.

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