Chapter 30

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True P.O.V

"Daddy, do we have to go to school today? Why can't we stay home with you?"

This girl complained about going to school every morning. I continued to place the waffles, eggs, and turkey sausage on their plates.

"I have to work and you are going to school, why we gotta go through this every morning?"

The kids sat down and began eating, while I poured everyone some apple juice. We had a little over 30 minutes to eat, before it was time to go.

"Because I don't like school, its boring!" She dragged out boring and stabbed her waffle.

"It's supposed to be boring, it's school."

The TV was on hip hop harry, this was one of the kids shows I could tolerate. Even though they no longer showed it on TV, I found some episodes on YouTube.

"Do the harry, do the harry.." I laughed and recorded the kids while the danced along with the song. I posted the video on snap. The table was cleared and their bags were packed. Outside was a little warm even though it was December. Jason hooked his phone up to the aux cord and the song pills and automobiles started playing.

I was picky with my kids choice of music, I allowed them to express themselves, as long as they didn't curse or say nigga.

I myself was working on trying not to say the word. The school yard was crowded with kids, I prayed for the sanity of these teachers, cause I couldn't do it! Stepping out of the car, and walking both kids to their classrooms; unfortunately they had separate classes. I made sure to wish them a good day and left out.

My birthday was in two weeks and to be honest I was hype about it. I would be turning 24. My mother was talking about throwing me a party, but i really just wanted to stay home and be with my kids.

Before going to the shop I went to Bojangles and got 2 steak bucsuits with an orange juice. "Where my jelly at?"

The girl rudely slammed the jelly packets in my hand "bitch you lucky I gotta be to work or I would've slapped your dumb ass, don't be slamming nothing in my hand bitch!"

I sped off not wanting to be late for work, I hated rude people.

Fast food workers always had an attitude, like somebody was forcing they ass to work there.

I was glad my assistant manager, passion, was on time today. She was a good worker, but she was always late. The smell of coffee hit my nose, a couple customers were already inside "good morning everyone." They greeted me back, I sat in my office and went over paperwork, before going out front to help work on some of the cars.

"Can you hurry up, it don't take that long to put air in nobody damn tires! Bitch moving slower than a snail stuck in molasses!"

"Can you hurry up, it don't take that long to put air in nobody damn tires! Bitch moving slower than a snail stuck in molasses!"

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