Chapter 19

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True P.O.V

I heard knocking on the door, but I knew legend was downstairs and she would get it.

I was mad that she let toya sneaky ass into my house, legend knew I didn't like that girl. She was a good for nothing hoe! I was so into my thoughts I didn't hear legend screaming my name.

I was getting ready to take a shower, I rushed downstairs seeing three dudes in my house. I grabbed the metal bat that was on the floor and hit two on the head catching them by surprise.

I grabbed the third person and started beating his ass, he was bigger than me and tried using his weight as an advantages but I wasn't going to get my ass beat in my own house.

I could see his friends recovering from the hits and I knew I should've grabbed my gun.

I could hear legend screaming, before someone picked her up and rushed out of the house. I started sending fatal blows to dudes face, killing him.

I went running after legend, I caught a glance of her and her face was beaten up badly, the way they were handling her I knew she was pain.

Before I could get to her I was shot, 3 times. Being shot was something new to me, I couldn't describe the pain. I could smell my skin being burnt it made me gag.

I fell to the ground, not being able to move. I seen them throw her in the can and drive away. I made sure to remember the license plate number. Police sirens could be heard in the distance. My vision was fading.

- - - - -

I woke up to the normal noises of the hospital, I was glad they hadn't called anybody to come down here. I didn't plan on staying. I pushed the nurse button, waiting until someone entered the room.

An older woman stepped in with a cup of water, which I was grateful for.

"How you feeling baby?"

"Like sh- , horrible. Do you know how long this is going to take?" I wanted to leave as soon as possible.

She laughed at my slip up, she helped me sit up and get comfortable, before preceding to check my vitals and wounds. "The doctor should be in here no longer than 20 minutes. You hungry?"

I thanked her for her help and nodded my head yes "I could eat."

She smiled before leaving.

I picked up the phone and called Benny, I didn't tell him what happened. I would rather tell him in person.

The nurse returned with food; mashed potatoes, corn, baked chicken, and a jello cup. She set up my tray and fixed me another cup of water. "Thank you." She nodded, the doctor soon walked up.

"Good evening , I'm Doctor Ross. You are a very lucky man. None of your wounds are fatal, all through and through."

I smiled at the news "would I be able to leave tonight."

He laughed shaking his head no "even though your wounds aren't fatal we still need to keep you here for another 2 days. "

I nodded even though i knew I wasn't staying.

The doctor left, the nurse continued to look at me "I hope you don't plan on leaving here young man." I didn't want to lie so I simply ignored her. "Whatever it is you're going out there to do is not as important as your health." She warned.

My face turned up "I'll die before I let something happen to her, fuck my health!" I yelled.

I didn't mean to be disrespectful, but she didn't know me. My health didn't mean shit if legend wasn't okay.

I could tell I hurt her feelings, she nodded before quietly leaving the room. now all I had to do is wait for Benny to come.

Benny entered the room almost 2 hours later, He packed a bag including; clothes, hygiene products, money and weapons. I was glad he was on point. I quickly got dressed, and made sure to take some quaze, alcohol wipes, and ointment.

"Nigga your ass all shot up, the fuck was you doing?" He laughed.

"I'll tell you once we get in the car."

We waited till the hall was clear before leaving out.

I decided to go to my safe house, I filled Benny in on the events that happened. He grabbed his phone to call everyone else, but I advised him not to. He looked at me crazy and asked why "because I can't trust nobody else. Someone on our side is a rat, I just don't know who."

He nodded, but I wasn't sure if he was with me or not.

It took me almost three hours to get there. Getting out the car, I checked my surroundings before entering the house. I was limping and knew I needed to sit down before I opened my stitches. I headed upstairs to take a shower first, I really wanted this all to be a dream. I couldn't believe I had let legend get kidnapped.

It was my job to look after her and I failed.

I took a twenty minute shower, after getting dressed, I headed back downstairs where benny was watching TV. I told him everything I knew and showed him the license plate number.

Benny knew this dirty cop who could help us locate the car. We knew that the car was probably burned or left somewhere, but it was the only lead we had.

The only thing I did know was that it was Damien who was behind this, and I couldn't wait to get my hands on him.

After going over everything, we decided to call it a night. It was 1:30 in the morning and I was exhausted. I went into the bedroom downstairs and laid on the bed, as much as I wanted to sleep I couldn't. My mind kept wandering back to legend; did they feed her, was she hurt, did they touch her.

The thought of them touching her had my heart racing. I was ready to kill somebody.

I needed to figure out who the rat was, damien was always 3 steps ahead and that wasn't a coincidence.

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