Damien P.O.V

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Later that night

"Its done."

I hung up, a smirk settled on my face. I looked at the house one more time, before leaving.

I thought about the last 6 years of my life. I was glad that true was loyal enough to take a charge for me, he was going down regardless though. Everyone in the hood loved true, he was well respected, I was lucky to be his best friend.

I pretended to be a street nigga, my family was well off. I didn't know what it was like to struggle.

Me and true been friends since middle school, his grandmother lived in my neighborhood. I took an interest in him, he was different from the other boys in my area. The closer we got the more I adapted to my new surroundings and my love for true grew. 8th grade me and Erica started dating; it was low key because I knew my parents wouldn't approve of her.

Erica was the hood hoe, but she was a good cover up. I would act like I hated her whenever everyone was together. I didn't need anyone knowing about me and her. It angered me when I noticed her and true getting closer.

A year before true got locked up him and Erica start messing around.

I should've spoke up, but Erica knew what she was doing. She knew I would never claim her in public. As their relationship grew me and true saw less of each other! I missed him, but he was to caught up in Erica.

Even though everyone knew that Erica was now true's girl me and her were still having sex. She was honestly the closest thing I could get to true. Soon we find out she was 3 months pregnant and unsure of who the daddy was. I don't know how or when but I was in love with her, and I wanted to be the father. As crazy as that sounds.

My only condition was that she would leave true alone. Which she didn't, claiming she was in love with him. I was jealous and didn't care, he had enough bitches chasing him why did he have to have mine too. Why did he have to have so many hoes after him though.

Even though we were best friends, I didn't discuss my personal life with true. I was a big mystery to everyone, and I liked it that way. I started telling true how I had a baby on the way; which led to him telling me to focus more on school and leave the streets alone. I wanted this life though, I also told him my real name, Ricardo. Damien just seemed more hood to me.

True started doing his own thing, not wanting me to continue dealing.

I understood where he was coming from, but I wanted him to mind his business. A week before he got arrested he told the nigga we were working for about my scholarship to college and about me having a kid. Dude never liked me anyway so hearing this made it easier for him to drop me from the team.

I was mad at true, and stopped talking to him before coming up with a plan to get him out the way, and for 6 years I was happy.

Erica and me had two beautiful kids and she was content with being with me. As soon as she found out true was home she went running to him, unloyal bitch I thought. I had my own crew and was selling weed. I didn't wanna touch the hard stuff. I went to college, and got my degree.

I was to caught up in my ways to actually put it to use.

My family disowned me, they thought I was a disappointment. I didn't care though, less people I had to pretend to like.

I made it home, Erica was once again sitting on the couch crying her eyes out. I felt myself get angry all over again "shut up crying bitch!" I yelled, my fist balled up and I punched in her in the face.

She looked shocked before she stood up and tried to hit me back.

I took all my angry out on her, not caring about her pleas for me to stop. I could hear the kids coming down the hall so I stopped my assault "go clean your self up." she slowly got up limping towards our room.

"Daddy, why was mommy screaming?" my oldest, josiah, asked.

"Me and her were playing a game, and she got scared." I shrugged, I picked up the youngest, Michael. Walking them back down the hallway to their room. "Come on guys lets go back to bed."

I tucked them both in, making sure their night light was on. I made it to the room I shared with erica, I could hear her in the bathroom crying but I didn't care. She was going to learn to respect me!

I checked my account making sure my people got paid.

Erica stepped out of the bathroom, her eye was closed shut and her lip was swollen. It hurt her to move, I smirked as she limped towards the bed. She could barely get under the covers and I didn't care nor try to help her. She deserved this!

I put my phone on the charger, deciding to take a shower and call it a night.

While in the shower my mind traveled to legend. I did like her at first, but then I realized she was just like Erica. They were both in love with this nigga, why did he have to have all the attention?

Legend betrayed when she starting being cool with true again.

She knew me and that nigga didn't get along. I was going to leave her out of this, but she crossed the line when she started disrespecting me.

As I washed my mind started to imagine that glistening dark skin, those beautiful thick lips, his dreads swinging. I started to get hard at the thought of him, it made me sick to my stomach! I hated this feeling, I blamed my father for this! I wanted to be normal but didn't know how. After releasing myself and getting out the shower, I looked at myself in the mirror. Disgusted was how I felt! I went to the medicine cabinet and grabbed my baggie, I did two lines before deciding to go to bed.

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