Chapter 4

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Three days later

Ace, Benny, Jr, and True thought it was time for them to meet up with Legend. They called her up and told her to meet them at Mellow Mushroom. She was 30 mintues late and Benny was starting to get irritated.

He pulled out his phone texting her

Where The fuck you at ?!

Im on my way now benny damn.

"Where she at?" Ace asked Benny, "She say she on her way." Benny replied.

Legend didn't mean to be late, but her and damien were watching this really good movie on lifetime and she wanted to watch the ending. Damien didn't want her to leave, but she promised him he would have all her attention once she got back.

Legend sped down the street to Mellow Mushroom, she wondered what this whole lunch thing was about.

Almost an hour late Legend had finally arrived.

She looked around for her brothers, when she spotted them she headed in that direction. As she got closer she realized True was there too. Her walking slowed, she fought the urge to roll her eyes as she sat down "So Wassup?" She asked,dragging out the 'o' in so.

Ace shook his head "You a hour late, that's wassup!" Legend folded her arms across her chest as she leaned back in her chair "My bad I got caught up in something, are we going to discuss why I'm here or not?" In the back of her mind she knew she shouldn't have come.

All she wanted to do was go home to her baby.

Before anyone could speak the waitress appeared at their table "Hello, welcome to Mellow Mushroom, can I start you off with some drinks?"

Everyone ordered their drinks, still needing time to pick what they wanted to eat.

"Start talking!" Legend was anxious to hear what her brothers and True had to say. This bout to be some bullshit she guessed by the looks on their faces.

"We heard you been having slumber parties with Damien" Jr said. Wow he so petty, Rolling her eyes Legend turned to true.

"You need to learn how to mind your own damn business!" She yelled. It shocked everyone, out of everyone legend was the calmer one. "Watch who you talking to!" He yelled back, before legend could reply the waitress came back with their drinks and asked if they were ready to order.

Benny decided to get one large pizza for the group to share with a side of hot wings.

The table soon grew quiet, the boys were glaring at Legend and Legend was glaring back. "You acting real funny, cause of this nigga legend and i don't like it." ace decided to speak up. "word you act like you don't know what went down between him and true." Benny added his input.

"In all honesty you just need to leave him alone." Jr said.

"That's some real snake shit, you supposed to be our sister. Why would you think that shit was even cool? What he fuck you good or something, now your dumbass dickmatized?" Benny questioned.

Relieved that the food finally came, Legend grabbed three slices a pizza and ate the majority of the wings. She reached for another wing only for the box to be snatched away from her grasp. Internally she was calming herself down, Benny was always an asshole, but only to her.

"Benny chill out with that man, not today!" Ace told him.

Benny waved him off "So you don't have nothing to say and calm your greedy ass down. Eating all the damn wings! "he shouted, causing people sitting next to them to look over. " Fuck is y'all looking at, eat ya food and mind ya business!"

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