Chapter 3

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The ride home seemed extremely long and legend was exhausted. Walking into her apartment, she started to undress heading to the shower.

Fifteen minutes into her shower she heard her phone ringing. She cut the water off, before getting out to answer it, smiling she realized it was damien.

"Hello?" she answered

"Come open the door."

She replied with an "okay", then hung up.

She threw on a black maxi dress that was sitting on her bed and ran to the door. She flung the door open and jumped into his arms.

"I missed you so much." she whispered in his ear. Damien closed the door behind them, before replying " I missed you too baby."

Damien sat down on the couch with legend straddling him. Legend had her head on his chest, Damien stroked her hair while his other hand was on the small of her back.

They sat in complete silence for a couple of minutes, until legend yawned "you ready to go to bed?" Damien asked her. She shook her head no. She wanted to stay up with him, she hadn't seen him in two weeks.

Damien carried legend to her bedroom and laid her on the bed, stripped down to his boxers and got into bed with her. He soon drifted off to sleep.

Legend woke up to banging on her door, she checked the time on her phone and it read 3:53 AM. A mug was placed on her face. She threw the covers back and stomped her way to the door, swinging the door open she yelled " WHAT!" true brushed pass her into the apartment, he started looking around.

"What are you looking for?" legend asked him

"Where your little boyfriend at?" true asked, with attitude clearly in his voice. Legend folded her arms across her chest and asked him "why?"

She was confused true hadn't stepped foot in her apartment since their last argument , now he was here demanding to see "her little boyfriend' TF she thought

Damien woke up realizing legend wasn't in his arms, that made him upset. He got up to look for her.

He walked down the hall into the living room to see her arguing with somebody "What is going on?" he asked.

True turned around and instantly got mad now he knew who Damien was. In the 6 years he was gone he never received a letter, visit, or money on his books from Damien and that angered him.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE!" true yelled. he stepped forward, but legend pushed him back. Damien was unphased by his outburst. He knew how true got when he was mad. still a hot head he thought. He wanted to be an asshole and fuck with him, but out of respect for legend and retreated back into the bedroom.

Legend turned to true and said " WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" true looked at her like she had two heads. she knew about what happened between him and damien.

True shook his head and said "I can't believe you would do something like this!" Legend didn't care that true didn't like Damien, because when the tables were turned he did the same thing with erica.

"I thought you were my best friend, but you fucking with my enemy." True was truly hurt by legend's actions. " True we haven't been best friends since you got out, so don't pull that best friend shit on me!"

True was at lost for words, he knew things were bad but he didn't think they were that bad. He loved legend with everything in him. He did not know how to fix this, can it even be fixed he thought.

He just wanted his best friend back, but it was clearly to late. Shaking his head he left legend's apartment.

Legend went back to her room and saw that Damien was sleeping, so she jumped on him "damien wake up!" she yelled, he tried to ignore her.

The way she was jumping on him was making him horny, he knew legend wasn't ready for sex so he gripped her hips and told her to stop. Legend crossed her arms and started pouting like a three year old, even with his eyes closed Damien knew that's what she was doing.

He opened his eyes and shook his head "legend it's 4:30 in the morning, lets go back to sleep." Legend signed and laid next to him. she couldn't go to sleep her mind was consumed with thoughts of true.

She didn't want to lose her best friend, she loved him more than anything in this world.

He had crossed the line with her too many times, and never once had he apologized. She couldn't take the disrespect anymore.

Damien could tell that something was bothering legend he hated to see her unhappy. "What's wrong?" she turned to face him and shook her head saying "nothing."

"Nothing" damien mocked her, laughing legend softly slapped him on the face. Damien laughed too, before turning serious. "You know you can talk to me about anything right?" she nodded her head and leaned up to kiss him.

He of course dominated the kiss, it lasted a couple more minutes till they drew back and smiled at each other. Legend rested her head on damien chest and soon went back to sleep.

True P.O.V

True went straight home after coming from legend's house. He told ace, Jr, and benny about what happened between him and legend, and they were all pissed.

They couldn't accept the fact that she had a boyfriend. What made it worst was that her boyfriend was their enemy; they were going to have a talk with her soon.

When true walked upstairs to the bedroom him and erica shared he was surprised to see her still up "Why you still up?" he asked her, erica crawled to the end of the bed and said " I was waiting for you" true smiled at his girlfriend, before bending down to kiss her.

Drawing back erica observed him what's wrong with him? She watched him while he paced back and forth, "baby , come sit down. What's wrong?"

True so engrossed in his thoughts he didn't hear her.


He glanced in her direction "wassup ?" He stopped pacing to give her his undivided attention.

"I said whats wrong with you?" she grabbed his hand forcing him to sit in front of her. She rubbed his shoulders , visibly seeing him relax.

"Just some shit ,you dont need to worry about." She knew what that meant , he was telling her to mind her business.

"Right , well im going to bed."

He nodded not really caring , his mind was somewhere else.

Omniscient P.O.V

Both parties spent most of the tossing and turning, disturbing their partner. They couldn't help it, the unlikely events that had occurred recently really put a strain on them.

The love the two shared as undeniable, but the betrayal they both felt wouldn't go unrecognized!

True knew he was wrong and played a big part in
there falling out, but his pride was too big to apologize. His attraction towards erica was uncontrollable, sad to say. She had him on lock, and he couldn't understand why. In the back
of his mind he was doubtful of her and knew she wasn't the one for him, but against better judgment he stayed.

Legend didn't want to admit to being wrong, what started out as a game of revenge turned into her feelings getting involved. she didn't love damien, but she was very fond of him and wanted to be able to love him. What he did to true was grimy but that was years ago and people can change.

Years of friendship down the drain, when this all
could of been avoided. It could be fixed, but with neither party wanting to put their pride away and apologize the friendship died.

The family wasn't the same since true came home, I guess it's best to leave the past in the past!

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