Chapter 31

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An older woman heard the gun shots and called the police, she glanced out her living room window seeing a car smashed into a tree.

The rode she lived on was filled with trees, it was hard to drive in the dark.

The car was shot up and she didn't know if the people inside were alive or not.

"God I hope they're okay."

She continued to pray for them until the police and ambulance arrived. When they came knocking at her door for her statement she was hesitant on answering any questions. She didn't want anyone shooting her house up next.

"Miss it's okay, if you don't feel safe we can take you to a relative. We just wanna know what happened here."

The woman contemplated scared out of her mind. Fuck it. She told them everything she knew and packed her bag heading to her daughter's house.

At the hospital, true and his kids were being rushed into the back .

True was shot twice in the chest, his airbag deployed crushing his sternum. Jasmine banged her head on the window and might of suffered a concussion, a bullet grazed her shoulder and one was enlodged into her side. Jason, since sitting on the opposite side of the car only suffered from a minor head injury.

Retrieving true's phone they called the number labeled under ICE.

"Why you calling me this late true?"

"I'm sorry this is officer hues, your son and grand kids have just been in an horrible accident."

She instantly started crying, she felt like couldn't breathe, she could hear the man telling her which hospital they were in, but she couldn't respond.

She dropped to her knees and began to pray "lord, I beg you please not my son. Not my grand babies. I can't live without them lord, please don't hurt me like that! God I come to you asking you to let them live god please!"

She wiped her face, but it was no use the tears kept coming.

She got up and weakly got dressed. On the way to the hospital she continued to pray. True was her world, of course she had other family, but she wasn't close to them. He was her only child, she loved her grandkids more than anything in this world. She was just hoping god would spare them.

At the hospital true and Jasmine were now in surgery, while Jason was getting his head checked out.

True never told his mother everything that went down with legend and her family so when she called and told them what happened she didn't feel like she was doing anything wrong.

"Yo we gotta go, true and the kids been in a bad accident!" Jr yelled out, the brothers rushed out of the house, hoping everything was okay.

"Damn man, I hope they straight. Even though true been distant lately ain't no beef that's still fam." Benny voiced.

Jr nodded "everything straight man, they gon be okay!"

The boys didn't explain what happened to their father, they wanted to get all the facts first. Their father looked at true as a son and they knew he was still distraught about legend leaving, they didn't want to push him over the edge.

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