III. Lost

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Natsu knew this was gonna happen.

From the very start, he knew...

He KNEW...

... that Lucy should've never been trusted in giving the directions.

A few minutes back...

"Alright team. We'll split into three groups. Whoever finds the magic plant requested specifically by the client will get the bigger half of the reward," Erza exclaimed, her hands resting on her hips.

"Now then," she started to read the list, "Wendy with the two Exceeds, Gray with me, and Natsu with Lucy."

"Uh, excuse me Erza but, why am I paired with Lucy? I mean, I could be with Happy..." Natsu interrupted.

The red-haired mage gave a murderous glare. "Are. You. Questioning. My. Judgement. Natsu?! Didn't you know I have planned the arrangement of the pairings all night?!"

Natsu shook with fear. "I-I'm sorry Erza-san! I never should've doubted your words from the start."

The requpping mage straightened her back, indicating her authority. "Good. Now! Let's GO!"

Lucy and Natsu now sat in a dark, damp cave, where they only have a few pieces of wood and Natsu's flame to keep them from freezing to death.

"Grrr... How can you misread the directions Lucy?!" Natsu said out loud, echoing his voice in the cave.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't know the map was upside down. And I obviously didn't expect a fierce wind suddenly blowing and snatching the map right out of my hands," Lucy said.

Natsu looked at her, pissed. Good thing they found a cave which could serve as their shelter for the meantime. Now that night coated the sky, all they have to do is wait for the sun to rise before heading off.


"Ehehe. Guess my stomach's need some food," Lucy suddenly said.

The fire mage sighed. "Guess I have no choice. Wait here. I'll go get some," and went out to hunt.

"Okay," Lucy replied.

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