IV. Paying a Visit

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"Ahhh. Nothing like a warm bath to start your day!" Lucy exclaimed while drying out her hair with a white towel.

She suddenly caught sight of the picture frame displayed on top of her table. It contained the photo of her with her parents when she was just a little girl. On her lap is a doll with long, blond hair and has a pink dress filled with bows and frills. Michelle.

Lucy smiled at the photo, knowing all the good memories she had with it.

"Hmmm... Maybe I should pay my old home a visit," she suddenly thought.

Lucy dressed herself with her green jacket and blue jeans, tied her hair one-sided using her blue ribbon, and went on her way.

About thirty minutes later...


Lucy picked up a sound coming from the bushes. She quickly withrew her key from her bag, saying, "Come out! Whoever you are!!"

"Geez Lucy! Quit acting so paranoid! Is that how people who are reaching an old age act nowadays?" A familiar voice came out from the bushes.

The Celestial Mage popped two veins. "What was that?! Are you saying I'm old Natsu?! You have got some nerve calling me old!!"

The Dragon Slayer popped out of the bushes. He was covered by leaves and twigs.

"Hey Luce!" he greeted with a wide grin.

"Why are you following me anyway?" The Celestial Wizard asked.

"To see where you're heading. I'm kinda bored at the guild. Happy was asked by Wendy and Charle to go on a mission with them. Gray and Erza also went out on a mission with others. And I'm the only one left there..." Natsu explained, his arms crossed.

Lucy sweat dropped. "Is that why you decided to stalk me?"

"Hm. YEAH!" The pink-haired mage smiled.

Lucy let out a sigh. "Oh... Alright. Just please, Natsu. Don't go acting like a wild animal when you're inside the house."

The Dragon Slayer halted. "W-wait... We're going to your fancy house? Awesome! Let's go!!"

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