VI. Dance

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Lucy continued to felt frustrated (not to mention, hurt) every time Natsu steps on her foot.

"Owww! Natsu! That's the eighth time today! Why can't you just get it right?" Lucy said while looking down at her red and swelling foot.

"S-sorry Luce. It's just that.. I'm not used on these kinds of things. Why are we even doing this anyway?" Natsu protested.

Lucy let out a big sigh. "Idiot! Don't you remember? Aceto and Velveno's wedding is today! We promised we would be there to support them. And not to mention, you would look like a complete idiot if you just stood there, not dancing with the rest."

Natsu still continued to protest and groan while Lucy gave him instructions on how to dance properly.

Wedding Day...

"I now pronounce you, uh, man.. and wife!" the priest said to the odd-looking couple. But what can you say, love is blind after all.

Arriving at the reception place, Aceto thanked everyone who made it to her special day. And of course, the team who were present during the magic ball dance were there too.

After everyone has eaten their fill, it was time for the bride-and-groom dance. Together, Aceto and Velveno went on the middle spot on the room, and started to move their feet to the sound of the music. Of course, everyone joined in as they danced to the same beat as the couple were dancing before.

"Alright Natsu. Just like I taught you. Now..." Lucy said while grabbing Natsu's hand.

"1.. 2.. 3"

"1.. 2.. 3"

The blond haired mage couldn't help but to fix her gaze on the Dragon Slayer. There was something different about him that day. He wasn't the same goofy kid back before.

Today, he really does looked like a mature adult. Not to mention having that tux with matching tie, plus his neatly-groomed hair.

Before you know it, Lucy lost her concentration (not to mention balance) and ended up falling on top of Natsu.

"Oh my! Are you two okay?" Aceto said, while helping the Celestial Wizard get back up to her feet. Velveno did the same to Natsu too.

"Be more careful next time, okay Lucy?" the newly-wed bride said, before heading back.

"Okay. T-thanks."

Before the night ended, the bride still has to do the traditional tossing-of-the-flowers. Every female present there were all huddled up in a group, preparing themselves so that they could catch the said bouquet.

"Alright. Here we go. 1.. 2... 3!" Aceto said while tossing the bouquet in mid-air.

Instead of the flowers falling at the group of crazy women, it fell unto Lucy's lap, which made her jump.

"Congratulations, Lucy-san! You'll be the next one to marry!" Wendy said while pointing at the bouquet.

With that, the blond mage immediately picked up the flowers and sniffed it, picking up the aroma of the pink roses.

She looked over to where Natsu was sitting, and smiled.

"You know what Wendy? I think I might've already found my perfect groom too," Lucy stated.

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