IX. Precious Memories

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Lucy sat beside a fireplace, holding what seems to be a photo album.

She started laughing and giggling upon seeing what's inside. A certain Dragon Slayer overheard it, and went to where the giggles where coming from.

"What's going on here?" he asked. The blond mage smiled. "Oh, just looking at these photo albums. They sure bring back a lot of memories..."

Natsu's curiosity peeked. He went and sat down beside Lucy. "Let me see too!"

"Alright." She pointed to the first picture, which showed Lucy, Natsu and Happy posing, Lucy's arm was around the Dragon Slayer.

"Ah! The beginning of Team Natsu! I remember that! You were so helpless back then. If it weren't for us, you would've been taken by that fake salamander," Natsu said.

She punched his head. "And if it wasn't for me, you and Happy would've worked your butts off for all the food you ate at the restaurant!"

The pink-haired mage put his fingers on his chin. "You do have a point. I guess we're even then?"

She kissed him on the nose. "I guess so..."

"Oh look look! I remember this one!" Natsu pointed out to a picture which showed Team Fairy Tail, Team Lamia Scale, Team Mermaid Heel and Team Cait Shelter posing altogether.

"Man! That sure was some battle! Right Natsu?" Lucy exclaimed.

"Yeah. It was! But on the bright side, I got to defeat strong enemies!!"

The Celestial Mage sighed. "Do you ever think of anything but battles and fights?"


"Then what else do you think of?"

He grinned. "I think a lot about food too! And ninjas. Ninjas are awesome!"

Lucy mentally facepalmed herself upon hearing Natsu's statement. She just continued to flip through the pages of the photo album.


Natsu looked to where Lucy was facing. The picture showed everyone from Fairy Tail rejoicing and partying...

... it also showed Lucy in a gorgeous white dress arm in arm with Natsu who was wearing a black tux.

The Dragon Slayer smiled. "That's our wedding day!"

"Yeah, one of the happiest days that's ever happened in my life," Lucy said dreamily.

Next to the wedding picture, a photo of a baby having a rosy-pink hair and brown eyes was displayed. It appears to be looking at a distance, smiling.

Just then, someone grabbed Natsu's right leg, which made the Dragon Slayer yelp.

"Daaaaaaddy!! I'm hungrrrrryyy!!" Nashi said, biting her index finger.

"Just a second honey. Mommy is still thinking about her past," Natsu said, adding a chuckle.

Upon hearing this, Lucy threw a pillow which went straight to the Dragon Slayer's face, knocking him down to the ground.

"Haha! Daddy got beaten by Mommy!" Nashi pointed out at the fallen Natsu.

"Come on Nashi. I'll prepare your food." Lucy looked to where Natsu was.

"Let your father starve there..."

"Yaaaaaay!" The pink-haired little girl cheered.

After a minute, Natsu got up and headed straight towards the where his beloved wife and daughter was.

"Heeeeeey! I'm hungry toooo!" he whined.

It was just another normal day for the Dragneel Family.


Hey guys! You liked this? I for one, consider this as my personal favorite. I got the idea from one of my nakamas out there. I'll dedicate this chapter to her. Thanks for always supporting my story! Every comment and vote will be appreciated! *Stand. Bow. AYE!!*

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