V. Just a Game

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It was yet another normal day at the guild, and the girls of Fairy Tail are spending their time talking and chatting to each other.

Now Juvia, a water mage, suggested to play a game called "Truth or Dare" just for the heck of it. And since the girls were so enthusiastic that day, they immediately agreed.

"The rules of this game are simple. The bottle has two parts: the bottom and the tip. If the bottom part of the bottle lands on you, you'll be the one to ask the question, but if the tip points on you, then you'll be it," Juvia explained while holding a clear, plastic bottle. The girls nodded in reply, and the blue-haired mage started spinning the bottle.


Bottom: Levy

Tip: Erza - Chose TRUTH

"Ooooh, go for it Levy-chan!" Lucy cheered.

"Uh. Uhm," Levy stuttered.

"Don't worry Levy. You can ask me anything. I won't mind," the red-haired wizard told her.

"W-well, this is making me curious for a while but, since you told me you wouldn't mind... Did you already had a relationship with someone?" the solid script mage abruptly asked.

Erza suddenly flinched upon hearing the question. "O-of course I-I did. I have a friendly relationship with all of you girls. A brother-sisterly relationship with Natsu and Gray and--" she was immediately cut off by Levy.

"You know that's not what I meant Erza," she pouted.

With that, the requipping mage bowed her head in dismay.

"Uh.. I don't think it can be counted as an official relationship, but I do have some connections with someone named Jellal ever since I was a little girl," Erza carefully explained.

"Hm. A person named Jellal. Okay, I'll keep that in mind," Levy replied.

"Okay! Time to spin the bottle again," Juvia exclaimed.


bottom: Mirajane

tip: Evergreen - Chose DARE

"Hm... What should I make you do?" the white-haired mage thought while placing her index finger beside her lips. Suddenly, her head lifted up, as if a lightbulb shone upon her head.

"Evergreen, I dare you to hug Elfman and say, 'Thanks for protecting me back at Tenrou Island," Mira smiled while saying.

The brunette suddenly rose up to her feet. "That is absurd! I will not do such things."

"But it's just a game Ever. Come on, do it!" Lisanna said.

"Yeah, do it!" the rest of the girls cheered.

Seeing she had no choice, she agreed. Now Elfman, who was seating besides Alzack and Max, was caught in surprise when a pair of arms were suddenly flung around his neck.

"T-thanks f-for p-protecting m-me back at Tenrou Island," she whispered to his ear, barely making out the words.

The once calm Elfman who was judt quietly sitting at the table became nothing but a faint Elfman whose face is as red as a tomato.

"My, my. I think the dare was a little too much for Elfman," Mirajane exclaimed.

"Now, let's spin again, shall we?" Erza suggested while grabbing the bottle.


bottom: Juvia

tip: Lucy- Chose DARE

"Okay Lucy-san. I dare you to, grab Natsu's scarf and make him chase you for it," Juvia said.

The blond mage sweat dropped upon hearing the weird dare, but it's just a game right? So she reluctantly agreed.

"Oh, hey Luce!" Natsu greeted her with his signature grin.

"Uhh... Uh... Look over there Natsu! Fire!" Lucy pointed her finger upwards, making the gullible dragon slayer look up, giving Lucy the chance to seize his scarf and run. While she was about to touch the said object, a tanned hand grabbed her wrist, making her stop dead in her tracks.

"What do you think you're doing?" said Natsu.

"Uh. I was just..." Lucy tried to reason out, but it seems she couldn't find any loophole on this one, so she immediately fled and returned to the girls, with were filled with disappointment.

"You were so close Lucy-san, but it's alright," Wendy said.

"No Wendy. It is not okay," Juvia immediately faced Lucy, a sinister smile plastered upon her face.

"Alright Lucy. Let's see if you can do this one. I want you... to give Natsu a quick kiss on the cheek."

With that, the blond mage's face heated up. "W-wait! Why does it have to be always Natsu?"

"Don't protest. You didn't even accomplisg the last dare, so I'm making this one extra difficult for you," Juvia said, smiling.

Lucy looked to where Natsu was doing. He was seated near Happy and Gray, laughing while fire emits from his mouth.

"I-I don't think I can do this Juvia," she tried to reason out, but all of the girls" eyes were on her, full of anticipation.

Feeling pressured, Lucy immediately agreed on the dare. She stood up once again and headed straight for Natsu.

"H-hey Natsu, come here for a second," she told him.

"Okay. But what's this all about?" Natsu asked.

But before he could hear her answer, Lucy immediately gave him a quick peck on the cheeks, making the Dragon Slayer's face fill with shock.

Before Lucy could return to the group, the pink-haired mage suddenly clasped her wrists and leaned in for a kiss... ON THE LIPS.

All the boys of Fairy Tail had their jaws dropped and eyes buldged. One even whistled and yelled, "It's about time you two hook up!"

Natsu broke away, and Lucy couldn't help but to blush madly.

"Took you long enough," Erza said.

"Yeah. We even have to plan this game in order for you to get together," Wendy added.

"WHAT?!" Lucy and Natsu said in unison.

Meanwhile, a certain blue-haired water mage couldn't help but to give out a rather ominous smile.

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