I Need MOAR Ideas!!

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This is only an Author's Note chapter. So if you're not interested in what I'm going to say, then get the heck out of here!!

Nah, I was only kidding...

But seriously, if you aren't interested, might as well leave.

Okay. You've read this far. You must be interested in what I'm about to say, right?

But let me start first with a story that I would like to share.

"While I was riding on a public vehicle, I saw an Internet Café that has the name 'Fairy Talez'. And there was a picture of the guild mark of Fairy Tail in it. xD I was laughing so hard that my brother thought I had a mental disorder (well, not until I showed him that).

In case you were wondering, I live here in the Philippines. And let me tell you this, Filipinos sure are crazy! xD (But cool at the same time...)"

Well, I just wanted to share it... *shrugs then rolls eyes* but that's not the point. The real point is that I'm running out of ideas for NaLu oneshots. What I'd usually do is look around for inspirations, but it seems as though I ran out...

I need you guys to suggest your own NaLu ideas. Comment it below. If I like your idea, I'll make the story, plus dedicate it to you of course.

So, what are you waiting for?

Comment your ideas

And then, we could make some more NaLu actions happening!~

'cause the fun will never en... Oops, wrong show. (•×•)

- MsBiancaDragneel, signing off. [>~<]

Summer and Light (NaLu Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now