Chapter 1

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So urm..this first chapter's a bit dirty...just warning you!

Read on lovelies!


My Brother's Enemy

Chapter 1:

-Sam's POV-

I lived with my brother, Harry, in a city where gangs were everywhere. Even my own brother was in a gang.

Harry was insanely overprotective. Some days he wouldn't let me go out at all.

As opposed to Harry's gang, there was another rival gang in town; run by none other than Niall Horan. Otherwise known as my worst nightmare.

To get back at Harry, Niall would do anything. Plenty of Niall's gang members have been sent after me: To hurt me, kidnap me..or worse..kill me. Harry tried to keep me safe, but sometimes, he couldn't.

Times like tonight, when I was an idiot and didn't take the ride home my friend had offered. I walked home, alone, in the hot summer's air. My breaths came out in short ragged puffs.

A low chuckle from behind me caused the hair on the back of my neck to stant up and goosebumps to appear on my arms.

It was him.

Niall Horan.

"Well, well, well. Sam, long time no see," he purred, his voice making me feel as if I was going to be sick. I wanted to move but my legs wouldn't budge. There was no telling what Niall would do to me. My back was facing him until he pulled me towards him, forcing me to look up, into his ocean blue eyes.

"Damn girl, I forgot how sexy you look in a short, tight dress.." He pulled back and looked me up and down. Looking back up to my eyes, he pulled me even closer.

"I-I..Uh..Um.." I was lost for words so I stayed quiet.

"How've you been, babe?" He asked, searching for something in my eyes. I didn't reply since I was still lost for words. I heard him sigh after a few moments.

"How about you come back to mine?" He winked.

"Harry's my brother y'know.." I finally found the confidence in me to speak. He frowned as I mentioned Harry's name. Wow. They really were enemies for life.

"So? Just a little bit of fun.." He tried to persuade me. "I like you, y'know," He smiled a bit.

"Maybe liking someone isn't enough to break a family relationship," I shot. His smile disappeared.

"Just for one night, c'mon..He doesn't have to know," He whispered, sending chills down my spine. I gulped. Then I thought. I can't always hide behind Harry. I'm myself. I can do what I want.

"Maybe..maybe I should. I've never really dated anyone because of Harry..never really had any freedom.." I looked down, feeling quite embarrassed. Eighteen and never had a boyfriend. Lame much?

"Are you sure?" He asked, lifting my chin up. I nodded, truthfully. Harry needed to know that I can look after myself. That I can make my own decisions. That I don't need him to help me stand on my two feet.

"We're gonna have to hurry, though," I start. "Harry and his gang always stay out at this time.." He nodded, intertwining our hands and leading me to his car. Niall opened the door for me and I climbed in, smiling. He pecked my cheek before getting into the driver seat.

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