Chapter 12

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My Brother's Enemy

Chapter 12:

-Sam's POV-

I watched as Harry kissed a bye to Roxie. Rolling my eyes, I climbed into the passenger seat of his car.

After Lunch, Jade, Jordan or Niall were no where to be seen. I needed to talk to Niall about the project but God knows where he is. When I found out that he slept with Jade, I was beyond surprised. Not because Niall slept with her because, lets face it. Niall's the type to sleep with girls. But, in the time I had with him, I thought he was also damn sweet. Anyway, I was surprised because Jade isn't the type to sleep around with guys. Maybe she really likes him. Or...she just might be turning into her sister. Nope. No way in hell was I letting her do that. She promised she wouldn't be like Roxie. I'm pretty sure Roxie has her way of hurting guys and I don't want Harry to get hurt so I just gotta show Harry that Roxie isn't what he thinks she is. Now, that's going to be a problem because he really does like her.

"Why're you so against her?" Harry's groaning making me jump.

"She's a slag...oh yeah, and a slut," I muttered.

"Can you just drive us to Niall's?" He shrugged and nodded, turning the key and making the car roar into life. I stared out the window, not wanting to make contact with Harry in case he brought Harry up again. Unfortunately, he didn't care of I looked at him or not because he was going to bring it up anyway,

"If she's a slag and a slut, what about her sister, Jade? She slept with Niall! At least me and Roxie are going out!" I frowned at his words and turned to look at him.

"Harry, stop being childish. She likes him. A lot, and I'm pretty sure he likes her too so just shut your gob and drive," I shot, causing him to shake his head and look forward. He didn't bother bringing the subject up again because he knew it was pissing me off, big time. Obviously it was. He can't say something like that about one of my best friends! I mean, c'mon. She isn't a slag or a slut. Yeah, she slept with Niall but that's only the second guy she's slept with. Whereas, Roxie's slept with half of the college. Wouldn't be surprised if she tried to sleep with me as well.

"Are you gonna get out, or what?" Harry muttered. I looked at my door, noticing it was open and Harry was standing next to it. Rolling my eyes, I hopped out.

"Can you get anymore cockier?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him as we walked inside the flats. He shrugged and smirked down at me before knocking on Niall's door. No answer. I knocked. No answer. We knocked quite a lot until we came to the conclusion that there was no one home.

"Maybe he's in the forest...we always used to go there," Harry suggested.

"He goes there when he wants time alone. Maybe the school whispers got to him?" I nodded as he said it.

"Let's go then," I skipped to the car, grinning as he groaned and dragged his feet behind me.

"Oh, cheer up, Haz!" I laughed, sitting on the passenger seat. He rolled his eyes, forcing himself to make the car move in the direction on the forests. I frowned,

"Harry! Drive from your heart!"

He smirked, speeding the car up. I let out a small yelp,

"No! Stop! Stop! Stop! Calm the hell down!" He laughed at my words and shook his head,

"I miss our sibling moments..." He mumbled, glancing at me before focusing back on the road. I sighed,

"I do too, Cupcake," I called him by his childhood nickname. He chuckled and playfully hit my arm, softly. I laughed and shook my head, rolling my window down. Looking out of the window, I sighed. I never thought I'd say this but...I miss Niall. In the past few days, I've realised how hard it really is to live without being in his arms. May sound cheesy but it's true. I miss his strong arms around my petite waist. He really was the best. I can't compare him to anyone because he's the only guy that has ever hugged me...apart from Harry and Liam. Even when Liam hugs me, Harry's has to stare at us intently. You see how my life is so un-freedomized? No? Well, you should.

As soon as we got to the forest, I hopped out and waited for Harry.

"Lead the way!" I grinned, following him as he pushed branches and leaves out the way. I got stung by a few stinging nettles and winced. We had to stop once or twice if Harry or I got hurt by thorns. Luckily, I always keep plasters in my bag. Been doing it since Year Seven.

"It's just past these bushes," Harry muttered.

"Harry, we've been walking for quite a while. You sure it's even here?" I groaned as he nodded.

"I'm pretty damn sure."

I watched as he pushed more bushes out of the way. I looked around, tapping my foot impatiently. Hearing him gasp then snigger, caught my attention. I jumped onto his back and peered over his shoulder.

"Niall!" I shrieked, seeing his body lying on the soil by the steps of the cabin. There was blood pouring from his side.

"H-Harry, go c-check if he's okay!" I shoved him towards the body that looked as if it was lifeless. Harry swallowed, looking at me. I gave him a look that said 'do-it-or-you're-dead'. He nodded and kneeled down beside Niall, putting his ear to Niall's chest.

"He's breathing, Sam!" Harry yelled.

"W-We've got to take him to the hospital!" I said as I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. He nodded, lifting the body up. We ran back to the car and I helped Harry lie Niall down in the backseat before getting in next to him.

"Niall, it'll be okay," I whispered, my hand going through the knots in his hair. As soon as Harry stopped and parked, we dragged Niall in. We watched as they lay him down on a bed and wheeled him to the emergency now. I didn't notice but I was crying, uncontrollably.

"Shh, Sam. He'll be okay..." Harry whispered in my ear, hugging me, tightly.

"What if we were too late, Haz?" I mumbled.

"We weren't. Don't say that. I know I'm not that fond of Niall and I know you say that you don't like him but don't lie, Sam. You do. I still don't approve of it but what can we do? I can't control your feelings. This doesn't mean I'm gonna let you go 'round fucking Niall, though," He held my shoulders, looking at me right in the eye. I laughed, quietly, fidgeting in his hold.

"Mr & Miss. Styles?" I looked up when my out last names were called. The doctor was walking towards us. Harry's hands fell to his sides as he turned towards the man in a white coat. His coat was hidden by a pale blue apron that had splats of blood on.

"He's in a coma. The last thing he said was Jade," He informed.



I apologise for my attempt of writing a kill scene and blood scene as it was probably rubbish. Updated early because I love y'all.


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