Chapter 42- Sad Monday

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Third person's POV

It was Monday when Dipper came to school early. His teacher noticed that he is not wearing a proper uniform.

D: Sir, can you give this to my close friend, Pacifica? I can't give it to her since I'm going to Piedmont tomorrow.

T: Okay I'll give it to her.

When it was 8:00 am, everyone was there exept Dipper. The teacher called Pacifica.

T: Pacifica,  there's a letter for you.

P: Okay I'll get it.

Then she read it with her friends.

Dear Pacifica,
           I'm not going to school today because I'm leaving tomorrow. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you because I didn't know what to say.  I'm moving to California. It's my dad's decision. I'll send you letters every month.

               From: Dipper

After reading this, Pacifica's friends,  Astrid, GoGo, Ruffnut, Heather and Elsa are surprised.

When she went home, she put the letter in a purple box. When she read one more time,  she saw a picture then she cried.

(P.S: There is a part 2 for this story)

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