When the night comes
Your heart starts to trump
A symphony of melancholy
Sings in your head
Follow that threadOh how the loves you
For it will be the moon
Who guides you
To a pool of starlight
Where you will stayDon't by shy
It doesn't matter if your dry
Go in and give the water a tryI promise the water is warm
But when you get in
The starlight will swarmA billion kisses of light
Will fill your sight
Then my dear
No longer will you weep
Especially in the nightThe pool provides ever lasting laughter
To whomever dares to try

silent screams
Poetrythe screams of the soul from someone who has suffered loss, pain, and heartbreak. everything we all want to say but never can. for all my wordsmiths, this one is for you. #1 in rhyme #5 in poetry #1 in poetry collection #2 poeticjustice