11. Introduction

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The next morning and still felt weird waking up in my childhood bedroom. But at the same time I'm sort of glad that I'm still in this reality and not the one I came from.

After breakfast Jade and I got dressed. I decided to wear my long black hair down and added a turtleneck to hide the light bruising in my neck. Then my mother and stepfather drove us to the drop off, where Liam was already waiting for us.

"Liam!" I jump out of the car and hug him. My stepfather opens the trunk and starts unloading. "Excited to see me?" Liam asks. "Oh yeah I missed you sooo much." I jokingly say.

"Your parents already left?" My mother asks him as she rolls my suitcase over to me. "Yeah we already said our goodbyes." Liam scratches the back of his head.

"Oh so you were out here waiting for us?" Jade asks as she joins us with her suitcase. "Now who was missing who." I remark. Liam smirks at me and I playfully stick out my tongue to him.

"Well ladies, and gentlemen. Have yourself some fun." My mother says a little emotional.

"Oh we definitely will" I hugs her goodbye while Jade hugs our stepfather. "Don't do anything stupid. And work hard." He says. "Will do." Jade says as we trade hugs.

They stand awkwardly by the car. "Bye my little girls." My mother tears up. "Bye mom!" We say in unison. "Bye!" Liam says. She gets in the car and they drive off before she bursts into tears.

"That woman." Jade shakes her head. "I know." I shrug. "She just loves you guys." Liam says.

I turn to Wembley stadium behind us. "Shall we go in?" "Yes." They both respond.

We enter the stadium and sign in with the staff. When we enter the stage there's about 100 people waiting.

"You think this is everyone we're up against?" Jade asks as she's scanning the room. "Probably yes." Liam sits down on top of his suitcase.

I quickly look to see if I see any of the boys anywhere, I take a few steps forward and stand on my toes to get a better view.

"Who are you looking for?" Liam asks. "Probably Louis, the guy she met yesterday." Jade answers.

Louis, Zayn, Harry, Niall any of them really. But they don't know that.

"Oh she met another contestant yesterday?" Liam asks her. "Yes, he stayed over for dinner last night. Nice guy actually, he kind of looks a bit like you." She laughs.

I spot Niall with a guitar on his back. Talking with his hands and arms as he speaks to some guy.

What a funny little guy he is. Must be so excited to be here. I'll see if I can meet him later.

"He was at your house? Really?" I hear Liam in the background as I concentrate on looking through the crowd.

Zayn is standing with his back against a wall. Not really talking to anyone.

Oh there's Zayn. He's probably just waiting for this thing to start.

"For a moment I actually thought she brought you home when he entered the living room. You guys have the same hairstyle." Jade chuckles as she messes up Liams hair with her hand.

"Yeah don't see him yet guys." I sit down on my suitcase. "He must be here somewhere." Jade shrugs.

Liam doesn't say anything, he seems a little in his head. But before I can ask what's wrong someone taps on the microphone and the jury table immediately has all of our attention.

"First of all welcome." Simon starts. The noise of rolling suitcase wheels interrupts him as Louis enters the stage.

Oh he's late I guess that's why I couldn't find him.

"Soo now that we're complete let me explain a little bit about this program." Louis the judge says.

"This year's a little different from last year. We've got 50 guys and 50 girls in here. The categories 'over 25' and 'groups' will show up here later and will be kept separate from you. This is because, aside from a solo, you will have to perform a set of duets." Simon continues.

"We curated this year the way we did so you can learn from each other, so this means sometimes you will have classes with different people. Boys and girls will sometimes be mixed." Louis explains. "Every day will be a new challenge. Today it will be a solo song by our choice. But in the meantime you will also have to practice your first duet."

"Elimination will take place as we go so you might not even make it to your first duet, since we are cutting the group in half today." Simon adds.

We're never making that cut. I mean the boys definitely are today because they'll be picked for one direction at the end of this. But me and Jade? No chance.

"The hotel next door is where you will stay. It's been booked off just for all of you." Louis says. "But I can promise you, you won't be there much."

"So to be clear, bigger group lessons, such as dance, and actual performances will find place right here at Wembley on the stage. But the smaller group sessions will be held at one of the created classrooms, somewhere backstage or in the arena rings." Simon adds.

"You can now pick up your personal schedule at the desk, they will also hand out maps of where the classrooms will be located and assign you your rooms." Louis points at the desk. "Anyone got any questions?"

The crowd starts forming a line by the ladies at the desk placed by the stage.

Nobody responds to Louis. "Okay well, see you guys soon." "Good luck guys." Simon adds and they leave.

"Hey why were you late." I tug on Louis his sleeve as he passes us to get to the line.

"Oh hey, yeah I had some trouble getting here. Metro was packed." Louis explains.

"You came by public transport? You should've said something yesterday." I look at him confused.

"Yeah we would've given you a ride." Jade adds.

"Oh no it's fine, didn't want to be a burden." He shuffles his feet.

Peculiar guy that Louis. Giving him a ride is the least we could've done.

"Louis you are never a burden." I tell him while I stroke his arm.

Liam clears his throat.

Oh dear universe. I hope this is okay what I'm about to do next. Please please please don't let it affect the future of one direction.

"Louis, this is Liam. Liam, Louis."

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