Chapter 6

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I felt like uploading again. Partly because I'M REALLY BORED! Partly because, I was mean and left off with a cliffhanger. But mainly because I got 5 votes super fast! :D And that makes me happy when my vote challenges are fulfilled. Which means I'd be even HAPPIER if the vote challenge was fulfilled for chapter 2 of Buried Treasure. If you haven't checked it out yet, you should if you're interested. It's probably my favorite story to write. Blah blah blah okay, you get it. Here's chapter 6.

 Chapter 6~

(Ainsley's POV)


 "You think it's funny to get our quarterback suspended from the team, nerd? Let me show you how funny I think it is!" An angry voice snarled. I closed my eyes and sighed for the millionth time today and squared my shoulders, calmly walking down the steps and pocketing my salad fork. I rounded the corner and quickly took in the situation.

 I was already in trouble so what the hell?


 Geek was shoved up against the brick building by Landon's best friend Scott Anderson who was practically turning red with anger as he yelled. Two of his burly friends stood by him, legs shoulder-width apart with their arms crossed while they tried to look menacing. If they weren't so serious, I would've erupted into laughter.

 I marched up to Scott and tapped him on the back. He turned and gave me an odd look, as if silently asking 'what the hell do you want?'

 "Excuse me, Scott, but I don't think I can let you continue this." I said boredly. The barbaric side of me was dying to come out but I kept it tame for now- barely.

 "And why do you think that, pipsqueak?" he asked in an obnoxiously high-pitched feminine voice.

 "Because I'm not letting you hurt my boyfriend." I kicked him in the back of the knee, satisfied when he stumbled from lack of balance. I walked right up to Geek and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pulling his face towards me and making it look like we were passionately liplocked.

 "Don't do anything." I breathed in his ear. He nodded slightly and I pushed him away and he stumbled back against the wall, gasping as if we really had kissed, his eyes wide. I turned on my heel, looking at our audience.

 "What the hell! HE'S your boyfriend?" Scott asked incredulously. I smirked when I detected a hint of jealousy in his voice. Scott had asked me out last semester but, obviously, I declined. For good reason too. Bullies weren't my cup of tea.

 "You can't choose who you fall in love with, Scott." I shrugged innocently but prowled towards him, making him subconsciously bump against the wall. I grabbed his shirt and pulled his head down so he looked me in the eye.

 "If you ever lay your hands on my boyfriend again, I will see to it that your family jewels are disconnected by the use of a plastic fork." I growled lowly, watching his eyes widen in terror as I pulled my knee up to his area.

 "Yeah right, you're a girl. I could easily take you." he scoffed. I clucked my tongue and shoved a palm into his shoulder, twisting his body so that it faced me, and jammed my elbow inbetween his ribs lightly,  my knee up against the back of his knee. I sent a quick thank-you to my old martial arts sensei for teaching me this.

 "Oh really? Who's vulnerable now?" I asked and pulled out my plastic salad fork. I held it in front of his face while his face grew horrified.

 "You wouldn't." he whispered hoarsely. I shrugged, twirling the fork around in my fingers.

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