Chapter 24

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Hello, hello... Here's an update! I hope you all enjoy!

~Chapter 24~

~Ainsley's PoV~

            I mentally cursed. Why on earth couldn't I be more graceful, like a swan? Even Seneva was more graceful than I was, and she was four! And she wasn't the one who had dancing lessons... I grumbled to myself.

            Seneva groaned in dismay. "Oh, Ainey, now you've done it. They're coming; let's run!" Before she even finished her warning, she took off running, leaving me behind to hobble as quickly as I could.

            "Seneva!" I hissed, my hand scaling the wall as I leaned against it for support. She darted around a corner and I scrunched up my face. To have the energy of a toddler... I glanced down at my pickle green cast that covered my foot. I was a disgustingly pitiful mess.

            "Where do you think you're going?" An oddly familiar voice questioned. I could hear the smile before I had even turned around to see it. And trust me, it was big. As in sh*t-eating grin big. Like a cat who had caught the canary.

            I narrowed my eyes at the handsome stranger, who I had seen before. Boy, did I have a lot of choice words for this guy after overhearing part of his conversation with my dad. "I hate you. Go away." And.... that was it. No verbal diarrhea, no envisioning throwing myself at him and pounding his stupid face in, no nothing. Short and simple.

            I turned around and continued to struggle down the hall, hoping I could make it to the corner Seneva had disappeared around to avoid this guy.

            Sadly, I had terrible luck.

            He strode alongside me, sticking his manly hands into his pockets, and whistled. Yes, whistled. Like everything was just sunny and cheerful and filled with chocolates, bunnies, and rainbows. In a hospital. Next to a crippled girl. How demeaning.

            I slanted my gaze over to him, shooting him my perfected death glare. He winked and continued to whistle even louder. Believe me when I tell you he had absolutely horrible pitch. I just crossed my fingers that he wouldn't sing, or else I would really have to put a stop to the nonsense.

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