Chapter 14

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 Helloooo dedicated readers! (: SO. As you probably know, I do not have a cover for this story, and I think it'd be good if I did. Seeing as I'm technologically stupid, (it's amazing I figured out how to even use wattpad) I decided to make a contest! Yeah! So, if you're interested in making one, leave me a post asking for specifics and details and I'll reply ASAP! First prize would be you get your favorite chapter dedicated to you, I'll fan you, and I'll mention you on my profile for people to check out. Sound good? I hope so... I want to see how you guys channel your creativity! (: Anyway, read on.

 Chapter 14~


 Now that that was taken care of, I stood up, gathering the knives in my hand, and did a thorough scan of the basement. The window was too high up for anyone to get in that way. Seeing as there was no other way of getting into the room besides the door, I was stumped. Frustrated and freaked out, I laced my hands behind my head and stared at the ceiling.

 Not again.

 Think you're safe? Think again. This is only the beginning, darling Ainsley.

 Damn it! Damn it all to-

 I heard a terrified scream.


 (Ainsley's PoV)

  I screamed in terror. I was not crazy! I thought I saw-

 Geek came sprinting up the stairs, running straight at me and grabbing my arms.

 "Are you okay? What happened? Why did you scream?" he questioned rapidly. I swallowed and shook my head, deciding it'd be best if I kept my possible paranoia to myself.

 "Nothing, nothing. I'm fine, dork," I pushed him away, clearing the strain out of my voice. I'd been vulnerable enough for today. He narrowed his eyes and watched me, and I made sure my performance was convincing. But really, I was wondering...

 Had I just seen what I thought I had? I wasn't crazy, but... was that even possible?

 "Are you sure you're all right?" Geek's voice came from directly behind me and I jumped, not expecting him to be so close. I nodded, my mouth turning into a stern line.

 "Yes, I'm fine. I think whatever- whoever- was playing games is gone now. We should get some sleep and take turns staying up," I declared, petting Toby's head gently. Geek still seemed wary, but finally gave in.

 "We should fix the poor guy up, first. I really hope he doesn't require a vet." My eyes threatened to tear up again when I thought of how someone could harm an innocent kitten. It just wasn't right.

 "Yeah, come on. The sink in the kitchen is big enough for us to clean him," I said, trying my absolute hardest not to let my eyes wander back down to Geek's shirtless torso. He followed behind me, flicking on the flashlight. Thunder and lightning still flashed occasionally, but the rain was relentless. The house seemed dark and quiet, and I found myself desperately wishing Geek would fill in the silence with random conversation.

 "What'd you do with the... doll," I managed to ask as I set Toby in the sink gently. He mewed pitifully, and I could tell he wanted his Mama. My heart constricted for him.

 "I got rid of it." Geek said vaguely.

 "How?" I asked, frowning.

 "You don't need to know." My eyes narrowed.

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