Chapter 8

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Hehe sorry to keep you all waiting! I had to attend a family reunion in Colorado, and we were up in the mountains so I had absolutely no internet access. :( BUT I'm uploading now so.. yay!? Ah well. Read on.

Chapter 8-

 (Ainsley's POV)

 I quietly entered my house, letting my bag thump to the floor. I kicked off my stupid heels, tempted to snap them in half, when Seneva ran down the stairs.

 "SISSY!" she screeched, launching herself at me. I caught her, her red hair managing to suffocate me.

 "Hi Neva," I said happily. She wiggled around in my hold and pushed her wild wisps back from her face to grin at me with her missing front two teeth.

 "Why are you painted?" she asked confusedly, pointing at the splotches of dried white paint I had on my clothing.

 "Um... I had art today." I stuttered. She smirked in her devilish child-ish ways, seeing right through the lie. Don't ask me how she got to be this way because I honestly don't know, but she was the smartest little kid I had ever met. Now add the fact that she was my sister and had known me her whole life so had naturally grown to observe my ways and take in my personality... well, you got an interesting mini person right there.

 "Daddy got a call today." she said seriously, giving me a knowing look. She arched a brow the way I had taught her, and to be honest it did intimidate me a little even though she was only four.

 "Oh," I swallowed. "Well... was he happy about it?" I tried to distract her. She narrowed her eyes and shimmied out of my grasp, looking up at me as she crossed her arms. Seneva tapped her tiny foot as if she were a parent giving a scolding.

 "No, Ainey. He was not happy." she prompted in her cute little voice. "He wants to talk to you."

 Ah, crap. Here I go.

 "Where is he?" I asked, sighing. She pointed into the study.

 "Be right back." I crept along the hallway, checking to make sure Mom wasn't in the kitchen. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that it was vacant, and pressed my ear against the door of the study.

 "That's completely irrelevant, Jillian! We taught her better. What on earth was going on in her mind when she decided to go on a.. a trouble streak?! She's never done this before!" My dad ranted angrily. I heard a feminine sigh, and a rustle.

 "Clinton, calm down. Sometimes these things happen. Maybe the stress is getting to her and she's finally cracking. This might be how she's releasing her fear and tension. Take it easy on her, all right? Simon can handle it, he's the principal." My mom tried to soothe him, simultaneously coming to my rescue. I scoffed. A trouble streak? He knew as well as I did that I was normally a straight A student. We also both knew that I had inherited his temper. I rolled my eyes and strode into the kitchen, grabbing a vitamin water from the fridge and a couple Oreos before heading to the entryway to grab my bag and finally zipped upstairs.

 I closed the door to my room and flopped on my sea blue bedspread, staring at the fluffy white pillows at the head of the bed. I lazily bit into a cookie and groaned as I pushed myself up, flinging open the white drapes away from my window. I blasted some indie music and strolled into my bathroom, stripping my clothes off. I dressed in a dark pink off-the-shoulder tshirt that had the words LET LOOSE written on it in black, and threw on black shorts. I threw my hair up in a ponytail and proceeded to cleanse myself of all the white paint.


 Half an hour later, I was happy with my appearance, and jumped back on my bed. It mystified me that my parents hadn't summoned me yet, but who was I to complain? The longer I still had my freedom, the better.

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