Chapter 13

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Woop woop! Last chapter, SUPER CREEPY, RIGHT? I loved it. I got a lot of comments saying either it was super creepy and they were kinda scared, or that it was really good and I should upload again soon. It made me so happy! I don't know if this chapter will be AS creepy, but it'll still be somewhat creepy. I hope. Anyway, read on (:

Chapter 13~

 (Ainsley's PoV)

 My head pounded painfully and I finally fluttered my eyes open, only to see a worried Geek hovering over me. Instinctively, I sat up abruptly and accidentally smacked our foreheads together. He winced and I shot him a glare as I rubbed my now-aching forehead.

 "What the heck? Why are you hovering over me?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. He frowned at me like I was demented.

 "You just passed out, Ainsley. I was worried because it's been like ten minutes," Geek explained. I made an irritated sound in my throat and sat up, carefully, and looked up at him.

 "Nothing's happened in ten minutes?" I asked, my eyes widening. Geek shook his head.

 "Nope. Nothing. At all," he added, trying to convince me. My body sagged in relief. Sweet, sweet relief.

 "So... we're safe?"




 "You're sure?"


 "Super positive?"

 "Ainsley," he growled in annoyance. I rolled my eyes.

 "I'm just making sure!" I protested, and got up. "What time is it?" Geek looked at the clock on his phone.

 "Eleven something. I should probably get-" Before he could finish his sentence, I shot my fist out and grabbed a handful of his shirt in my fist, yanking him close to me so he was forced to stare into my eyes.

 "You are not allowed to leave my house until my parents call tomorrow and tell me when they're coming home," I growled dangerously, without breaking eye contact. Geek smirked and let his eyes stray down to my mouth, quickly meeting my gaze again in hopes I didn't see. Oh, but I did, my mind laughed maliciously.

 "Bossy, aren't we?" he asked smugly.

 "Shut up," I hissed and pushed him away, leaving him to fix his shirt. I stood up and held my aching head, making a face.

 "So-" Thunder rumbled angrily and I squeaked, trying to cover it up with an unconvincing cough. I will not allow Geek to think of me as weak. If anything, I should be protecting him! I took a deep breath.

 "I'm getting some Advil. There's food in the fridge. Help yourself before it goes bad," I mentioned over my shoulder as I cautiously crept to the bathroom in search of my Advil.


 (Geek's PoV)

 Okay, so I lied. Things did happen when she was passed out, and I knew she wasn't safe yet. I debated on whether I should follow her or to relax since every possible lock was locked. I nervously patted the gun hidden in the back of my jeans for reassurance. I may be a damned good CIA agent, but these kind of creepy, unnatural things freaked me out a bit, I'll admit. Especially when the psycho of a stalker had the nerve to call her house and leave her a very... detailed, message. I hung up and deleted the message before he could finish, and even disconnected the phone.

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