Chapter 16

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I'm so sorry for not uploading for a bit over a week! I got sick (and I still am) and my birthday was the other day and I've been tied down with homework. So, there are my excuses, but I'm shoving all that aside to write another chapter. This story IS getting more popular by the chapter, and I'm crossing my fingers that eventually it'll be on the What's Hot List! So, yes, I'm going to say this, advertise this story to anyone you think will like it! Maybe get some more reads and such (: Anyway, here you go.

Chapter 16~

(Ainsley's PoV)

I glared daggers of hatred at Geek, who was still convulsing from holding in his laughter, and got up to answer my phone.

"Hello?" I asked, a little bit of annoyance seeping into my voice.

"Hi, honey! We finished the benefit, but the storm caused the roads to flood so we're going to be stuck here for a little while, and I don't know when we're going to be home. I'm hoping we'll be there no later than ten. Will you be okay on your own until then?" My mom's voice sounded. I sagged in the relief of knowing she and the rest of my family were all right.

"Uhm, yeah. I'll be fine," I laughed reassuringly. She hmm-ed.

"Ainsley, I know how much you hate storms. Remember how you used to crawl into our bed at night when you were younger? How are you really doing?" she asked, concern in her voice. I blinked rapidly as tears formed, choking up at the motherly tone she was using. Ever since Seneva had been born, most of the attention was focused on her. I didn't mind because she usually needed it more than I did, but now that I remembered what if felt like to have my mom as my best friend who knew everything about me and wasn't too preoccupied to make sure I was doing all right, it made me want to cry.

"Yeah," I coughed out. I felt Geek's eyes on me in a curious manner. "I'm fine. Nothing happened when you were gone, I just watched some movies and ate popcorn."

"That reminds me! I rented a movie for us to watch when I get home, Seneva's going to Harley and Daniel's tomorrow night," she announced cheerfully. I looked up at the ceiling and swiped under my eyes with my index fingers.

"Sounds cool. What movie?"

"It's a suuuurpriiise," she said liltingly. "Anyway, I have to go now, your father and I have to go have a talk with... sweetheart, what's his name again?"

"Larry Waltman," my dad answered faintly.

"Right. Anywho, I love you honey. Be safe!"

"Love you too, Mom," I whispered. She hung up and I pressed 'End', sliding the phone into my pocket. I took a deep breath and blinked quickly to repress them, before turning to Geek with a small smirk.

"Nothing to worry about, it was just my-"

"Mom?" he guessed. "I could tell." I arched a brow at his tone, struggling not to give in and check out his abdominal muscles, and went over to him and lay back down in my spot.

"What about your family?" I asked in a sigh, the still-stormy weather outside dampening my mood.

"Um... my dad is a, uh... business analyst. My mom is a... a baker! Yes, and um, my dog is a Dalmatian," he finished.

"That's... interesting." I managed to answer. A crack of thunder made me flinch and clutch a blanket to my face.

"You're really scared of storms, aren't you?" Geek asked tentatively.

"No," I lied, my voice muffled by the blanket.

"Why do you keep lying?" he asked, persistently.

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