Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

All Rights Reserved

*Savannah's POV*

"So, what are you doing here?" he asks putting his hands in his pocket. 

"Well, my cousin is part of the cast and she forgot her lunch," I explain and realize how weird that sounded. 

"Your cousin is Nicholle Williams?" he asks and I nod. 

"You don't believe it, do you?" I ask and he just looks down at his feet. 

"I can kind of see it," he replies. 

"Well, I have to get going," I explain. 

"What are you going to do?" he asks. 

"I am going to be sitting in a hotel room for 13 hours," I respond and he chuckles. 

"Sounds fun," he states sarcastically. 

"Yep! Well, bye!" I head toward the exit once more only to have Niall get in front of me again. 

"What hotel are you staying at?" he asks. 

"The Marriott down the block," I reply. 

"I'm staying there too! We have to have the whole third floor all to ourselves because they can't risk fans trying to get to our rooms," he explains. "That would be why there is a man in the elevator that hits the buttons so no one can get to our floor. They also have the door in the stairwell chained shut!"

"Well, I wouldn't know because I am on the first floor," I comment and he smiles with his hand stuffed in his pocket. He is clearly nervous because he keeps looking down at his feet and when he takes his hand out of his pocket, he fixes his hair. 

"Well, I have a lunch break coming up soon if you maybe want to get something to eat together," he suggests and I smile. 

"Sure," I reply and go to exit the building. Then, I turn around to look at Niall. "My room number is 117. Pick me up when you're ready."

Then, I turn around and leave. I can hardly wait until Niall picks me up for lunch. I have to admit, he's cute. And he asked me to lunch. Could this day get any better?

I arrive at the hotel room and it's 9am. Lunch is around twelve or one so about three or four hours until Niall will be here. 

I turn on the television and see Spongebob is on all day. That will pass the time. 


I hear a knock at my door and I literally jump out of my seat to get to there. I look through the peephole and see Niall standing there. I rush to open it. 

"I could here you running across the room from out here," he comments and smiles a half smile. 

"Well, I'm a runner," I respond and realize how awkward that sounded. 

He giggles and holds out his arm. 

"Shall we?" he suggests and I link arms with him. 

"We shall," I respond with a smirk. 

We walk down the street to a Subway. We walk inside and order meatball subs. We then get our sandwiches and sit down at a table. 

"Subway?" I ask and he smiles at me. 

"I was craving a meatball sub," he admits with a slight blush and I can't help but giggle. 

"I thought that since you're famous that you might eat stuff more, you know, expensive," I say and he shrugs. 

"You know I am famous?" he asks. 

"Well, I don't live under a rock. You're a member of One Direction. You're also on a movie set," I add. 

He starts to laugh and I raise my eyebrow at him in confusion. 

"What?" I ask. 

"It's you. You're just you and I can't help but be happy around you," he replies and starts smiling like an idiot. But, he's a cute idiot, so it's all right. 

"Thanks," I respond awkwardly. 

Lunch goes by and he's actually just like any normal teenager you'd meet on the street. Well, normal teenagers don't have girls screaming around them all the time or their pictures are on millions of girls' walls, but his personality isn't one you find on the normal celebrity. He's real. 

We head back to the hotel and go to my room. I begin searching my pockets for the key. I finally get it and open the door. 

"My room number is 308. If you want, around 10 you can come up and I want to show you something," he explains and I smile. 

"I will see what I can do," I reply and we exchange smiles. "See you later."

"See you soon, Savannah," he responds and I close the door. 

I take a deep breath and sit down in a seat. 

"Wow," I say barely above a whisper. 


"Savannah! I am home! Or well home-ish," Nikki walks through the door around 9. 

"Hey!" I reply. I have been watching TV and thinking. Definitely thinking about Niall. He has been invading my thoughts. 

"I am tired! I am going to bed!" she exclaims and before I know it Nikki is passed out on her bed. 

I chuckle under my breath and open my suitcase. I pull out blue, green, and white plaid pajama pants and a light blue t-shirt from Dawson High. I put my hair in pig tails that are behind each ear. I also kick off my shoes as I enter the bathroom. My left sock is black and green stripes and my right sock is white and blue stripes. I slip into my pajamas and exit the bathroom. It's 9:30. A half an hour until I can go visit Niall. 

I watch two episodes of Spongebob since they're 15 minutes long and I then leave the room around 10. 

I head to the elevator and hit the up button. It instantly opens and I step inside. The man controlling the buttons looks at me waiting to hear a floor number. 

"Third floor please," I ask politely. 

"Can't do that," he responds. 

"But, Niall said to meet him at 10," I explain. 

"That's what they all say," he replies. 

No! How do I get there if the guy won't let me through?

Hopefully Niall will somehow realize I can't get through and he will help me get there. I don't want him to think I blew him off or something. This will ruin everything, won't it?

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