XVI Wouldn't You Like

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I'm just going to say, Hermes has favorites, and Ctimene is one of them not only because she's his great-granddaughter but also because she's the baby...and she was a theiving baby.

*Hermes when Ctimene was born*: "Oh, you're going to be my favorite~ because you are going to be a trickster like me! Aren't you~"

*Baby Ctimene who stole his wing helmet*: "Hehe."

*29 years later in the present*

Hermes to Astyanax: "While my great-grandbaby didn't give birth to you she loves you like her own...though I don't see wh—"

*Sees that Astyanax stole his caduceus and is chewing on it.*

Hermes: "Huh, now I understand."

As Ctimene went further, she could hear the faint call of a voice echoing through the trees. The hairs on her arms raised, but she kept walking forward.

"I must say, what a brilliant speech you gave!" an unknown voice praises Ctimene, who was about to confront a witch who turned her men to pigs.

"Who goes there?"

She asked, looking around for the voice, though the voice couldn't help but let a bit of amusement slip into his tone.

As she searched for the voice, it got closer. She could tell it was male but she couldn't pinpoint exactly where.

The same voice replied, with slight amusement in his voice.

"Just a friend, who could help you save your men..."

The unknown voice answered before he chuckled slightly, "What is a lone woman wandering around, especially with a toddler in tow? Is it unwise?"

Ctimene held Astyanax closer to her with caution as the voice continued.

As she held Astyanax slightly tighter in her arms, the voice chuckled.

"A foe like Circe's not to be messed with.

You want to beat her?

You'll need the blessing of a certain god,

Divine intervention.

Someone who's not afraid to...send a message."

The voice asked, amusement in his voice, though the voice was quiet, there was no hint of malice.

"Grandpa Hermes?"

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