chapter 15

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Holy cheese nuggets, what the hell was that? I pushed against Rayn's back, trying to hurry them out of the house. Whatever it was, i could feel it getting closer to me. It felt as if something was about to grab me and drag me back into the house. No way was that happening.

The adrenaline pumped through me faster as I shoved them out of the house. I left the front door wide open and i wasnt stopping to shut it either. I ran past Rayn, Will, and Blaze and went straight for my car. I snatched the door open and quickly let Will in as Rayn let Blaze in. I grabbed my keys out of my pocket, jumped in, slammed the door shut, and started the car.

I slammed the shifter in reverse and punched the gas pedal down. My car flew backwardd as i turned out onto the road. I slammed it in drive and stepped on the gas. The tires spun as i turned my head lights on.

"Go! Hurry!" Blaze yelled in my ear as he leaned forward.

"I'm going!" i shouted back as my car flew down the road.

It was already dark outside. I Didnt really care at the moment, as long as i got away from this house. I knew, deep down, that we should have never agreed to playing that damned thing. I should've listened to my gut. As I drove down the road, i swear, i could see shadow figures standing off to the side. I didn't think about it. I didn't let it get to me. I was already scarred for life. I assumed it was my imagination.

As we came to the end of the road, I stopped at the stop sign. I gripped the steering wheel and took a deep breathe. I leaned my head against it. I was still trying to get a grip on everything that just happened. It felt like a dream that I was never going to wake up from. I believed in this stuff, but i never thought in a million years this would have ever happened. I raised my head and looked both ways before I took off again. Screw this, I'm going home.

"So, where are we going?" Blaze asked, leaning back in his seat.

"I'm going home. I don't know where you guys are going?" I responded as i kept my attention on the road.

"Can we go with you, please?" he begged.

Whatever, but you guys are going to have to sleep in the living room on the couches."

"Hey, I'll sleep anywhere as long as it ain't at my house at the moment."

I chuckled. Don't let no one fool you, i was still shaken up. I'm pretty sure we all were. I don't think we are ever going to forget this night. I know that I wont. Some birthday, right? I'm not celebrating my birthday next year, I promise you that.

I can't even imagine how Rayn and the guys feel or what they thought about any of this.

Rayn, Blaze, and myself were the only ones that showed fear. Will, on the other hand, didn't. It was as if he didn't believe any of it. His voice filled my head as I remembered him trying to figure out how all of it was happening.

I had no idea what he thought, as he hadn't spoken, but once, since all of this creepy stuff started happening.

I remember him telling me at one point that he didnt believe in things like this. He believed in God. He seemed a little off. He was baffled, like the rest of us, but he was the only one trying to come up with a logical explanation for all of this.

Could it possibly have been a ghost? Demon? Could we have messed up and let loose somethings we shouldn't have? I had feeling that we did and it wasn't going to leave us alone anytime soon, but could Blaze really had this as a set up? There was one question that i halfway wanted to know the answer to, but didn't really want to know the truth to.

Was there really an explanation for what happened or was it caused by a spiritual being that we had upset?

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