chapter 29

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"Ooooohhhh." I whispered.

I was so terrified that when I swallowed, my saliva caught in my throat and I choked and coughed. I took a few steps back, and like always, I tripped over my own feet and fell flat on my ass. As I proceeded to climb to my feet, Demon Blaze blew out the flame of the lighter.

"See Mommy, I need you to stay with me forever. You weren't there when I needed you before, when I was dying." Demon Blaze cackled in a child like voice.

"W-w-what the hell a-a-are you talking about?" I stuttered as my eyes searched around in the darkness for Blaze.

"Don't you remember the car wreck I died in? Don't you remember?" He asked.

"I'm not your Mommy! I don't know what you are talking about! Please, just leave me alone!" I shouted, finally getting to my feet.

"Don't deny me, Mommy! I know that Father and you hated me! That's why you let him beat me! You would go out and come back home drunk every night and father would beat me some more! I was so scared. On the night I died, I didn't want to get beaten anymore, so I decided that I was going to run away! I was so worried about where I would go that when I crossed the street, I didn't see the car coming! The car that killed me! As I took my last breathe, I saw that it was you in the car, behind the wheel. I saw the evil smile on your face as you realized it was me. I watched you speed off, leaving me to die!" Demon Blaze shouted as he grew angry.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, but I'm not your mother!" I screamed as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"That doesn't matter anymore, Mommy. You're coming with me!" He boomed.

I couldn't tell where I was at, or where I was going. Hell, I didn't even realize that I was running. All I knew was I wanted to get the crap out of this house. As I ran around helplessly, looking for an escape, I saw a white figure with bright white light surrounding it through a window. I didn't care at the moment. I would rather be outside with whatever that was rather than be in here with this demon. As I jumped towards the window, I could hear several footsteps running in behind me.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I braced myself for impact. I heard the glass shatter and then I felt the pain seep into my skull as I was flying head first towards the ground. I landed hard on the ground. I brought my arms up to my face to protect it from the shards of glass that was still coming from the window.

"Look out!" Will yelled.

I removed my arms from my face just in time to see Will superman dive through the window. I screamed and rolled to the side. He missed me by an inch as he landed next to me on his stomach. Moments later, I looked up to see Rayn flying out of the window, feet first. She landed square on her ass with a loud thump and bounced a few times. We all scrambled to our feet as the front door of the house was sent flying off its hinges and into the yard. It crashed into my car, denting up the hood big time and smashed the windshield.

Oh, the moment Demon Blaze stepped out of the house, I was ready to go on a damn rampage. Anger flowed through my veins. I couldn't describe how pissed I was. No one or no demon screws up my car and gets to walk away. That's one thing of mine that you absolutely do not touch! My car! I balled my fists up and stomped towards Demon Blaze.

He smirked at me, showing off his sharp teeth. His red eyes burned into mine as I continued to stormed towards him. Believe me, I know I should've been running the other way, but no, I was to pissed off.

When I was three feet away from him, I charged at him. I saw the white glowing figure standing about ten feet away from us, but I didn't care about it at the moment. All I cared about was nailing this mother figure in the mouth for what it did to my car.

Demon Blaze's eyes grew wide as I approached him, fast. I jumped into the air and past him, missing him on purpose. Demon Blaze's eyes followed me as I was in mid air. I swung my fist out, catching him dead on his temple. He stumbled backwards and let out a high pitch roar as my feet hit the ground, landing behind him.

Immediately, I got into a squatting stance and charged, aiming for the back of his legs. The closer I got to him, the harder I pushed myself forward. Only a foot away, I launched myself at his legs. I have to admit, I pulled these moves from Roman Reigns. As you can tell I watch way to much WWE.

His legs gave away and he collapsed on his back. I landed on my stomach, rolled over a few times, and came back up on my feet. I was, now, several feet away from him.

I panted as I watched him grunt and slowly climb back on his feet. He shook his head and looked at me with the most evil expression I have ever seen in my entire life. It sent shivers down my spine. He bared his teeth and charged at me.

Well, I'm already screwed, so if I'm going down, I'm going down fighting and no longer being a coward. I thought to myself as I charged towards Demon Blaze as well.

Hey guys. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I've been really busy these past few weeks. I'm truly sorry. Please, don't hate me. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I hope you forgive me. Please vote and comment. Let me know what you guys think. I know I've made some errors and I will try to edit it as soon as the story comes to an end. Thank you. Love you guys.

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