Not expecting the unexpected

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Hey sorry for the long wait my GCSE exams had to take priority but now I've finished them and school I can bring more updates for you all. And the best part is I can focus completely as I'm currently with my family in Bangladesh. Well on with the story!

Shanti's P.O.V

I looked to see Yaya, she had her dark blonde hair in a French braid and was wearing a stripped blue and white top that says 'Srew you ' on it with black jeans. She had a concerned look on her face.

"Shanti, are you okay? You seem really down." The worry evident on her face.

I thought back to the 'talk' I had with my brothers at lunch. The pain I felt came rushing back to me.

"No. I'm fine Yaya, really it's just some old memory that's all. You don't need to look so worried." I tell her hopeful she leaves it at that.

Thankfully she does and goes to sit behind me but through the lesson I couldn't shake the feeling that some one was looking directly at me. The lesson went quickly and before I realized I was going to meet Om and Mukesh out front. Just as I was out the main doors I was stopped by Cole.

"Hey, Shanti could I talk to you in private?" He asked. "It's important."

This was uncomfortable as I really wanted to get home as soon as possible.

"Cole, I really need to get home. Can we talk later?" I say while attempt to leave. Well I say attempt lightly as he suddenly took my arm in a tight grip.

"Shanti, please just five minutes and you can go to your brothers. I swear."

"Alright fine but only five minutes,kay?" I tell him in a stern voice. My brothers can get home without me and I'd only be five minutes behind them...

... Okay, so according to Cole talking to a person for five minutes requires a ten minute walk into the forest. He better not try to do something stupid. I've been taught to defend my self by Ryhan when I was in year eight.

Cole makes an abrupt stop which causes me to nearly walking to his back that feels like a flesh wall. He turns to look at me, his eye showed hope and fear.

"Okay, what is it you want to tell me?" I ask in irritation, I mean it has to be big if I had to walk into the woods to be told.

"Okay Shanti. Well... there's no easy way to tell you this but I'm a werewolf." He said seriously. I looked at him for five seconds before laughing in his face.

"Werewolf... ha ha...Yeah right... ha ha and... I'm a unicorn... ha ha." I respond between laughs as his face pucker's up. I mean werewolf? What are we in,twilight?

"I'm telling you the truth. I'm a werewolf and you're my mate. Why do you think I get so uncomfortable with you around my friends and why I always stick close to you. Please Shanti you have to believe me." He pleaded to me with such passion that anyone would believe what he's saying. However living with Mukesh, Ryhan, Om and Anvi you lose any ability to be tricked by others. It's why I hate being the middle child at times. I gave him an unconvinced look.

"You expect me to believe that pile of bull shit? Then you must be talking our of your arse. Werewolves don't exist same as any other mythical creature, okay?" I tell him as I begin to go back the way we came. Unfortunately I only make it a short distance from Cole before I hear a snap - like a bone breaking snap.

I slowly turn around from shock of the sound to see a huge wolf standing where Cole once stood. So i did what any sane person would do...Scream!

The wolf, Cole or Cole-wolf -urgh- whatever, started to walk towards me and I did you really shouldn't do in this type of unreal situation, pass out.






Cole's POV

So I had spent the whole afternoon try to figure out a way to get on Shanti's brothers good side and tell her that I'm a werewolf and she is my mate. So I thought why not tell her im a werewolf then try to get to know her brothers. I mean that's not a bad plan right? Well ...wrong as I now have an unconscious mate who took the piss out of me when I was telling her the truth. So now I need to get Ryan and Renji to help me make an excuse to her family that she won't be home and find a way for her not to hate me when we bring her to the pack house.

I have a strong feeling that this will cause more problems then it solves. Oh and I can think of a few of the problems now. Such as:

Her brothers killing me for just breathing now.

Shanti thinking that I'm a freak and stays the hell away from me.

My parents finding out what I've done - I'm very fearful my mother when she's angery.

And the last one Shanti rejecting me for what I am and what I've done.

'Renji? Ryan?'

'What's up?'

That would be Ryan.

'Yes is something wrong?'

And there's Renji.

'Yes, I screwed up royally. I need you to come to my location and get one of the girls to call Shanti's family to say she staying round theirs.' I tell them in a hurry. Theres no response for a little while butthen I get a loud reply from them at once.

'WHAT DID YOU DO!?' They both scream in my head; loud enough that it was left ringing.

Oh boy this will be fun to explain to them.

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