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Sorry for the long wait, hope you can forgive me. Also for those who want to know about the dad you won't find out till later on in the story.

Shanti's POV

We sat  there frozen in disbelieve. Mum could not be sending us over the states. Don't get me wrong I love to go when I'm older to visit but I don't want to live there.

Anvi seemed okay with the idea, the twins we still in shock as was the Ryhan, I could hardly blame them. We all had lives hear not in some place none of us wanted to go. Before any of us could voice our complaints Mum beat us to it.

"Look I know none of you want to go. But think this could be good for the family, we could start over. Meet new people and not have anyone worry about us so much. Plus I already bought our new house ." She said to us in a pleading tone. We knew that Mum wanted to leave. So we all looked at each other and agreed to what she was saying.

I took a deep breath and sighed. "Okay Mum, we'll go with you." I told her as the others nodded. Mum brightened up right away and smiled. It took us all by surprised cause she hadn't smiled like that for a long time.

"Good. Well we will need to finish packing if we want to get everything ready in time to leave in four days time." As she told us that we all ground at the thought of it.

A couple days  later we were on a plane, heading for the U.S. The plane was long and boring, Om kept vomiting, Ryhan fell asleep the whole way, Anvi wouldn't leave people alone, Mukesh was listening to music so he wasn't a problem and Mum was just giddy the whole and didn't make it any better. And me? Well let's just say that large plains are not my friend.

"Well we hear at last. I think the taxi is this way." Mum said as we got our bags out and the stuff from home was going to be shipped to us later on, so we had to worry about our house and our old lives, God I don't want to run into and dickheads or bitches at my new school. People like that always go on my nerves.

The drive took four hours the place. When we got there it was  nine o'clock at night, the house was mid nineteenth centenary about two stories high, had this Gothic feel to it but it was nice. The inside was just as beautiful, it was elegant with a light colour style. A s we went in the boys went straight to there new rooms as did I, Anvi wanted to rest with Mum then start on dinner.

My new room my much different to my last one. It had a dark celling with white curtains and the walls were navy blue. I was just how I wanted my dream room to be. As I started to but some clothes away in my walk-in closet. I walked out to the balcony my room has and stood out side for a few minutes.  The view is wonderfulas my room overlooks the forest. I'm starting to think that this wasn't such a bad idea.

I don't really know how long I was out there for when my mum called my name, saying it was time for dinner.

As I turned around to go back inside,  I saw three large wolf's standing in the forest outside my room.  Their was the first one on the right who had this kind of copper copper coloured fur and brown eyes. The one next to it had dark brown fur which could be mistaken for black and the last one had this sandy brown fur  with green eyes.

The middle one stood out  three most it had sparkling blue eyes but that was all I could see before it vanished into the night.

After seeing the wolf I didn't feel hungry so I went to bed.That wolf seem to look like it didn't want to go. Not like it had to leave. As fell into a deep sleep, dreamt of the wolf with hopes of see the wolf again next day.

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