Unwanted Memories

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Sorry for the long wait as I had come down with writers block. Again very sorry and will try harder to think of ideas for more chapters soon.

Cole's POV

I had been spending most of the day trying to find a way to get Shanti's brothers to like me. And so far no such luck. What her older brother told them really set my wolf on edge. Other than being a werewolf nothing is wrong with me and yet their okay with Rayan being around her.

It's finally lunch and I see Shanti talking with Renji; she only seemed to be willing to speak with any one of us for a short amount of time before she goes to one of her brothers or they come to find her.

Shanti acts like she wants nothing to do with us. The eldest, Mukesh seems to have a problem with me in particular though I don't know why. I started to walk over them as Shanti points towards me.

"Haven't seen you all morning, where have you been?" She asked in a sweet voice. Great I sound like a girl.

"Yeah, you've seemed to be avoiding her brothers as well. Are you sure your okay." Renji says. From what I had told the others about this morning, none of us could figure out why her brothers had a problem with me or what they think of me and the others.

It didn't help with that after the talk with her  brothers Shanti seemed to be a little closed off to us, well mainly me. I figured that she must hold their opinions over her own. I noticed that as Shanti walked towards her brother, Mukesh looked me dead in the eye as if  to ward me off.

After we got our lunch and sat down I realized that we weren't far from them. This made it easier to hear what they were talking about.

"You have to stay away from Cole and his friends, Shanti. It's for your own good." Mukesh tell her. They were only two tables from us and it's not hard to hear a human like this.

Shanti sighed before she started to talk. "I understand that but their not that bad. Maybe if you got to know them you might find some common ground with them. And you won't need to worry about Cole he's not like Dad."

Om finally took part in the disagreement as soon as Shanti said Dad. "Shut up, Shanti. You know full well that He won't be mentioned at all, regardless wether we are at school or at home He won't be mentioned as long as we live. So get that through your thick head, little sister."

I wasn't able to see her face because of where we were sitting but I could tell that it is a taboo subject. Mukesh looked angry that it was mentioned.





Shanti's POV

That Man. The one who abandoned us when we needed him most. He can never be forgiven for what he done to our family, the basterd had ran out on our Mother for some two pound Whore. My siblings and I will have his head if he ever comes near us. I can still remember the day he left.

Flash back (Shanti's POV age 15)

Mum is at work and Dad is on the phone to someone though I don't know who. I was watching Blood Lad when I heard the back door open. Alarmed I quietly, with a Cricket bat in hand walked down to take down the intruder. I could hear Dad go into his and Mum room.

Once I was in the kitchen I could see a young woman in the kitchen cooking. Confused I walked into the kitchen bat hidden behind my back. This stranger was at the stove her back facing me.

She was short with light blond hair that came down to the end of her back and she had pale skin as well. She had a plain long sleeve blouse and a long skirt.

"Who are you?" I ask not caring that she almost dropped the pan in her hand. She turned around and I was able to see her head on. This person had bright blue eyes and some freckles on her nose.

Her eyes widened when she saw me. I could tell she was nervous about me and I used it to my advantage. I walked over to her, bat still hidden. She calmed down and started to relax.

"Um...I'm Ashley, it's nice to meet you." I knew she wasn't use to this. My hand tightened on the bat as she stares at me. We stayed like this for five minutes till the door open to show my brother, Mukesh in uniform.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! GET OUT!" Mukesh shouted at this Ashley person looked terrified at all this. The woman's eyes flickered past Mukesh and I as her filled with relief. I looked behind me to find my Dad with a suitcase at his side. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I looked up to him as he made a weak attempt to avoid my eyes.

"Dad?" I finally asked. "What are you doing with a suitcase? And who is this person?"  He seemed uncomfortable. Mukesh made the connection before I did. Mukesh's  facial expression changed to pure rage. I've never in my whole life  seen him this angry and it terrified me.

"How could you do this?" He demanded in a low voice. "How could you do this to your wife and family!?" Mukesh suddenly screamed at Dad. I had finally pieced together what was going on, it had been obvious to see the shame and heartbreak that was on my face as my father couldn't look me or my brother in the face.

"Get out." My voice so low that my so-called Dad was shocked by it as well as his harlot. "I said 'GET OUT'!! I don't ever want to see you again!" My former parent had a look of pure heartbreak and I didn't care. He had made his decision as we had made ours.

They had both left in a heartbeat after that, That Man had tried to explain to us but we wouldn't hear any of it. After they had left Mukesh had called Mum and told her to come home as I called Om to bring  Anvi and do the same. Once they were all there we told them what happened. We all had our own ways of reacting as Mum drowned herself with work and Anvi. Om destroyed everything That Man  gave him and Mukesh took on all the hard ships we had to forget. And I, well ,I started to realise that you can't trust your own father there particly no one to trust.

End of Flashback

I still shiver at that God forsaken memory. I looked to my brother and knew they were thinking the same thing. And every time I think on those emotions we went through, the pain, the anger, the betrayal and worst of all the heartbreak. We had spent a long time putting Mum and ourselves back together so we would never go through that again.

We've been through hell and survived and we're never going back to that time ever. Mukesh looked at the clock as the bell went and we made our way to tutor.  Om had already left and was with Renji and Cole not far behind.

Tutor was still odd to me as it's nothing like it is at the schools in Britain. I went to my normal seat in the back of the room so I could do some reading before my afternoon lessons start. As I was getting settled into my Romance-Horror novel I felt a tap on my shoulder.

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