Cole gets jealous

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Yahoo! Another chapter, sorry for taking so long.  Terminal Exams are over and I needed Saturday to relax. So sorry for the wait.  Enjoy the chapter...

Cole's POV

When I walked into  the school I knew she was here. Her  sent graced the corridors, it was pure heaven. Renji was with me when I saw Lisa and her minions. Unfortunately she's Ryan's cousin so I have to be nice to her as well as it would be bad for an Alpha to act like that towards one person.

We could hear she was angry about something, so we decided to listen in not that we'd need our enhanced hearing to know what they're talking about. They were practically shouting for the whole world to hear.

"That little bitch! Who does she think she is making fun of me like that? I'll make that cow's life living Hell next time I see her."

"What about her brother, Lisa?" One of her minions, the triplets asked. I think that was Kerry but it could have been Sherry or Marry. Who knows they all look the same to everyone that it doesn't matter. Lisa was about to say something when the bell went for firsts lesson.

Renji and I were walking into class when Her sent drifted into my nose. Renji gave me a odd look but I brushed it aside as I followed the trailer to her, she was in my first lesson Maths. Renji walked in first and told me how our pack members were acting around the only human in the room through the mind link. Some were fighting; others were sitting around doing nothing and one mated couple looking like they were having sex on their desks. I walked into the room and they stopped what they were doing and sat down properly, just as the teacher was walking in for the lesson.

I looked around the room for her, I spotted her sitting next to Rayan. The raven haired girl was just in front of me by two rows of desks. She seemed to be getting on with him. That put my wolf on edge to think that she could be stolen by my one of my friends. As the lesson went on I stared at my mate while I started a conversation with Rayan through the mind link.

"Cole your mate is the funniest woman I've met ever. She put Lisa in her place  earlier and her brother was really nice too. She told me about her other brothers and little sister."

"How big is her family and how come you've  met them when school hasn't even start yet?" I asked him.

Rayan suddenly looked tense as though he had known something that I didn't. Before I could press for more information, she turned around. She must have noticed me starring at her. When she looked back to the front, Rayan answered.

"I got talking with her on the way here, she told me what her family is like. The brother I met was called Om, the others I haven't met but nice just very overprotective."

Rayan's words stayed in my head, he made it seem like her brothers would kill me for being mates with her. The lesson ended and everyone left the room. I saw Rayan talking with my mate. She seemed too sweet lovely till one of Lisa's friends came over. He started to make very indecent comments about her but before Rayan or  I could do anything to shut him up, we got a huge shock.

My mate grabbed his hand and threw him over her shoulder  into Lisa's friends who were only a few feet away from they were. There was a moment of silence before people started cheering.  My wolf was ecstatic on how well our mate could look after herself. The way her long raven hair swayed as she moved towards me and- wait WHAT?

I had finally snapped out of my thoughts to realise that Rayan was bringing over my mate over to me and Renji. This was my real chance to look at her face properly rather than look at her from the forest like some creepy pervert. Her hair was down and was naturally wavy, it stopped about mid back. Her eyes were shining like the stars. Her face was perfect, beautiful dark skin made seem like she was so exotic. I have never lusted over a woman like this before. No not even woman can describe her beauty; a goddess seemed to fit her perfectly.

"Cole, Renji?" Rayan says to us. "I'd like you to introduce to you Shanti. Shanti, this is Renji," Rayan points to him. " and this is Cole." We all look at each other, trying to figure each other out. The Shanti took a deep breath.

"Nice to meet you both" Shanti says with a dazzling smile and I swore I lost all rational thought. I pulled her into a hug, breathing in her sweet smell. What a bad idea that was as two sets of hands pulls me away from her. I then get suddenly punched repeatedly in the face. In the back ground I could hear Shanti shout:

"Om! Mukesh! The guy was just introducing himself!"

This explains the overprotective brothers comment I was warned about before.

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