Cole's days, Meeting Shanti

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Cole's POV





BEE- Smash

Great that's the fourth one this week. Today I have to go to training with my Dad the Alpha. Oh did I forget to mention that I'm a werewolf? Yeah, don't go screaming; we are all quite normal you wouldn't even notice us. Anyway back to what I was saying, being werewolf and an Alpha's son? Well that mean consistent training to become Alpha it's a lot for a seventeen year-old but it's worth it if I can protect the Pack and my Mate.

You see, what I mean by Mate, I mean soul mate. It means that this person is our other half, our reason to live. We would be nothing without them by our side. I have always hopped to find her. I hope she will come soon. Most werewolves find there mate around sixteen an I'm seventeen near eighteen years old. Talk about embarrassing for an Alpha.

"Cole! Get up your breakfast is getting cold."  My Mom shouts from the kitchen. Hearing the word breakfast I ran out of bed in my shorts. Not really caring about my lack of clothing in the morning, Mom was use to it by now after all we are were-wolves.

I  came down to see the worst sight for a seventeen year-old guy is his parents making out on the kitchen sink. Not the mental image I want to have in my head. At some point my Dad realized they had an audience and stepped back. Giving me an apologetic smile.

"Sorry didn't think we were going to get an audience." Dad says to me while Mom blushes.

"Well let's go eat before trading today." I tell them,wanting to forget what I just saw. They nod in agreement and we all go to the main hall to eat with the rest of the Pack. Our Pack had over 200, so the house was huge but not big enough to house that many. So there are homes dotted around to make it easier for every one. The hall had small tables around the place so we could eat with friends or family.

I sat with my friends/ future Beta and Delta, Rayan and Renji. Rayan was a strong fighter with dark hair and eyes to match. I chose him to be Beta because he has always been there for me and I him. He had a brave personality with a hint of stupidly as some would put it.

Renji was from a traditional Japanese family and strong reason to protect those he loves. He has light brown-blonde hair with green eyes, don't ask how I know some of the girls a school have a thing for him. As they put it Renji has a mysterious look to him. Only God knows why they think that. When I sat down I noticed a file with Rayan it seem a little weird that he brings work with him in the morning.

"What's with the file, Rayan? You never have work with you in the morning." I ask him as we start eating. He stopped eating for a second after a minute or two he pushes his food away and sighs.

"Okay I'll tell you. I found out that we are getting new residents in towns soon." He paused. "They are all human."  Renji and I was from? frozen. Humans here? What is my Dad thinking allowing this to happen.  Before I could say anything Renji beats me to it.

"Is the Alpha sure that bringing humans here will be a good idea, I mean if  one of the humans find out they'll freak out."

"I believe Dad is on to something this could be useful to get use to them." I tell them after all it wouldn't hurt to freak out some humans. As we were thinking what life would be like with humans around my Dad stood up and everything went quite.

"Alright there has been some rumours going around that were having humans move here. Well I'm going to tell you that they are true." Everyone started talking at this. Then Dad razed his hand and everyone had gone silent. "Look, I have spoken to the mother and she and her family will be here in one week so I expect everyone to be nice. And for the love of God don't do anything stupid around them." As he said this he looked a my table giving me the  'Don't  try anything look'.

The rest of the day was normal with traning, school and patrols. Everyone excited and nervous about the humans coming in one week.

### Time skip to  the move in ###

Its been a week scene we've been told of the humans moving to town. I was in detention again for not having my homework with me. I was sitting there bored out of my mind when Renji sent me message on my phone. It read : There here! The humans are here. Meet in the forest near the house. Ren 

Once I read that I was out of the room to the forest to meet Renji and Rayan. They were already in wolf form to go. I changed out of my clothes and shifted into my wolf. We ran all the way to the house were the humans were now living it was dark by the time we got there.

I noticed one of the balcony doors was open. We could only see the side girl with long flowing black hair that was glowing in the moon light. She had dark skin that beckon anyone who went near her. She has such shining eyes that you would never want to look away from. She was a true goddess. I couldn't get a good look at her face apart from the eyes as the wind was blowing. I was about to leave when she turned around and looked straight into my eyes. My wolf stated to howl the words Mate go to Mate! But I couldn't she would freak out if a wolf attacked her on her first night hear.  I saw her turn away as some called out her name "Shanti". The name of my Goddess. I only have to wait till school on Monday to properly meet her.

On the way home didn't say anything about Shanti being my Mate, I'll tell every one when I've gotten to know her. Mainly because I don't know how she'll react to me.

Sorry for the long wait a lot of shit happens these past months like my Great Grandmother passing away so please understand. Update will be in two days see you the sweeties.

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