11. The Hole

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Illinois is known for being flat. A definite line, dividing earth from sky, marks the horizon; giving you a clear view for miles. You can literally watch a guy's dog take a dump from three counties away. I'm realizing my appreciation for this as my feet hit the pavement, my eyes scanning the open space around me.

After my conversation with Trevor last night, this run is much needed. I am feeling like a whole new woman now that that burden has been released. If I spread my arms right now I could probably fly. That's how light I feel after my confession.

With the sun tickling my skin, and my hair frolicking through the breeze, I am feeling more energized than ever.

I arrive back at my dorm with just enough time to shower before meeting Lindsey for coffee. As I'm drying off, my phone vibrates from across the room. I open it to find a text from Lindsey.

Bring your suit

What is this girl up to? After yesterday and her devious plan to get Trevor and me alone, I'm not sure if she can be trusted. I'm considering giving some kind of excuse about not feeling up for a swim, but then I realize just how well yesterday went, and, if I'm being realistic, I really don't want to miss a chance at getting some quality time in with Trevor.

I send her a quick response letting her know I'll be there in ten minutes. Once I've thrown my hair into a ponytail, I'm out the door.

I see that my suspicion was correct the moment I step into the cafe and notice two men across from Lindsey - Mike and Trevor. Apparently, Mike is just another one of Trevor's many roommates. I still have yet to see Lindsey's brother, Chuck, but it's not as if I know him all that well anyway.

I make my way towards their table and all three pairs of eyes glance my way. Not one of them seems surprised or irritated that I'm here, which makes me think they actually agreed to this. Trevor actually agreed to hang with me just for fun?

"Hey guys," I sing, as I slide in next to Lindsey.

She gives me a strange look. Apparently, she was not expecting me to respond so agreeably to her little scheme. I offer her a genuine smile and her mask falls away, revealing a beaming grin. I turn my attention to the boys across from me.

"What's the plan for today?" I ask.

Trevor takes a sip of his steaming coffee and both boys look to Lindsey for an answer. I guess they're not exactly sure what they're here for either. Lindsey wiggles a bit in her seat before sharing any details, her smile widening further, if that's even possible.

"So a friend of mine was telling me about this lake a couple miles out of town," she begins explaining, "They call it 'The Hole'. Not the most flattering name, but they say it's really pretty and there's a cliff that people always hang out at where you can actually jump off the side into this watering hole." She pauses briefly as she glances between each of us with a gleam in her eyes. "So, what do you say?"

We all look at each other and then Trevor shrugs and mutters a 'sure' around the rim of his mug.

"I'm in," I agree.

"Sounds good," Mike announces while sipping his coke. I scrunch my nose up at his choice in beverage this early in the morning, but he doesn't seem to notice.

Next to me, Lindsey erupts with a little squeal and I take that as my cue to go to the counter and order my coffee. I order it black, paying for the dark brew before taking a deep inhale of the rich aroma, the steam permeating my senses with its earthy, nutty fragrance.

Once we've all finished our drinks Lindsey and I head to the restroom to put our swimsuits on under our clothes, and then we pile into Mikes truck.

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