How You Meet

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How you meet-

Ted- You were really bored and had nothing to do so you decided to go to a bar. Of course you didn't know any bars because you just moved here. You walked thorough the streets of Manhattan till you found a bar called MacLarens Pub. You were really desperate for a shot of whiskey because you just got over a real bad break up. You walked inside the bar and you saw a man sitting by himself. You walked over and said "You alright? You look pretty lonely."
"What? No I'm fine I was just waiting for my..." He looked down at his watch then continued, " 2 hour late date."
"Wow! Do you really think she's coming or he?" You asked looking down at his red cowboy boots.
"What! I'm not gay I just pull these boots off." He retorted.
You chuckled and told him "No you don't."
"I'm Ted by the way."
"I'm Y/N." You thought Ted was a nice and thoughtful guy when he asked you "Do you want to stay and chat?"
"Of course!" You said hoping Ted didn't end up like your ex (your ex boyfriends name)

Barney- You were roaming the streets of Manhattan when a tall blonde man in a black trench coat came up to you. "Hi. Are you a angel because....Ugh never mind." He said starting to walk away. "Umm....Are you okay? You seem stressed." You asked the man. "Umm..I am kinda busy on a super secret mission to the smoon... Nope already used that one!" He said freaking out. Another tall man ran up to you and said"Sorry my friend here has another case of the Yips!" "What's your friends name?" You asked more interested in the Blonde man instead of the brown haired man. "Barney." He told you. "What?" Barney asked. You stepped in front of the brown haired man and said" Hi Barney. I'm Y/N."
"Hi Y/N do you wanna come ride a train with me?" He asked. You shook your head and told him "I know your type Barney you only want to sleep with me but it was nice meeting you." Barney couldn't believe what you said and he told you "You know Y/N someone as pretty as you shouldn't be walking around in Manhattan alone. Here's my number call me." You took the number and said"I just might." And you walked away.

Marshall-You and your friend (your friends name) went to MacLarens pub after you mentioned it to her. It was Y/F/N first day out since she was sick and she wanted to have a beer. You and her were walking to the pub when a unusually tall man bumped into you. "I'm so sorry." He said. "Don't be it was my fault." You told him. "I was the one that bumped into you." He said. "Come on Y/N." Y/F/N said. "I'll be there in a minute." You told her. "Where you headed?" The man asked. "MacLarens pub." You told him. "Wow! Cool I was just there." He told you. "For a New Yorker you are very nice." You said hoping he wouldn't end up punching you. "I'm not from New York. I'm from Minnesota." He told you. "Oh I feel terrible calling you a New Yorker! Can I get you a sorry beer?" You asked him. "Sure by the way I'm Marshall." He told you proudly. "I'm Y/N" You told him.

Robin- You still couldn't get over (your ex's name). You loved him but he went and cheated on you. You thought you should do something crazy to get him off your mind so you went to a shooting range. Now you didn't like guns but you thought maybe you wouldn't be so angry. You walked in the range and saw a dark haired woman crying and shooting her gun. "Umm....Isn't that dangerous?" You asked her.
"I have done it before."She told you through gunshots. "Are you okay?" You asked. "Actually no. I just got over a bad break up." She stopped shooting. "So did I. He cheated on me." You told her. "This guy is afraid of commitments." She told you wiping her tears from her eyes. You looked over at her and noticed something about her. "Are you Robin off of the news?" You asked. "You watch my show?" She asked hopefully. "Yeah I'm not use to Manhattans loud noises." You told her with a smile. "That makes two of us um..what's your name?" She asked. "I'm Y/N." You told her. She smiled and went back to shooting and so did you.

Lily- It was about 2:27 in the morning and you decided it would be good to get one last drink before leaving MacLarens. A red headed woman barged through the doors and asked "Do you know where my husband Marshall is?"
"Sorry. I don't." You told her. She mumbled and sat down at a booth. "Two shots of whiskey." You told the man. He nodded and gave you the whiskey. You grabbed the cups and sat down by the woman. "Here." You said sliding the woman her cup. "Great! Just what I needed a stranger giving my a shot of whiskey." She said sarcastically. "I know Marshall I met him earlier." You told her. "Will you help me find him?" She asked. "Or I could be a complete stranger that just poisoned and lied to you." You said. "What?!?" She screamed. "Sorry I was trying to get you to laugh." You told her. She laughed and told you "I'm Lily. Marshall's wife." "I'm Y/N. Marshall beer buddy." You told her. "Nice to meet you Y/N will you help me find Marshall?" She asked. You nodded and you both ran out the door.

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