He asks you on a date

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He asks you on a date-

Ted-He wants to keep it short and simple so he 'casually ' bumps into you on the street. "Y/N what a nice surprise. I thought I would never run into you."
"Hey Ted!" You said acting surprised. "How have you been?" He asked. "I'm fine. I met your friends." You told him. "Oh crap! Did you like them?" He asked. "I loved them." You told him. "Wouldyougoonadatewithme?" He asked quickly. "What?" You asked with a giggle. "Y/N will you go on a date with me?" He asked more slowly. You gave him a sly smile and said "Yes."
He gave you his number and you both went different ways.

Barney-After that encounter with him you weren't sure if he actually liked you. He was that kind of guy that has one night stands and all that junk. You picked up your phone dialed his number and waited. "Go for Barney." Barney said. "Hey Barney, It's Y/N I just wanted to call and say hi." You told him. "Hi, I just met a blonde chick that had amazing-" You cut him off "Bye Barney." You said hanging up on him. You guessed that he didn't really care for you. You got up to take a shower when you heard a knock on the door. You walked over and opened the door. "Y/N you are amazing and beautiful will you please go on ONE date with me. If you say no I will understand." Barney told you. "Yes Barney." You told him and ran off to take your shower.

Marshall- You and Marshall hang out a lot but you already knew he was married. "Y/N I love hanging out with you!" He told you as he threw a water ballon at you. "Thanks!" You said back. You and Marshall we like a couple but whenever you and him hung out to much Lily would step in. "If it's all right with Lily we could hang out without her watching us." He said pointing at the window. "She can be a jealous beach." You said trying not to cuss. "Nice cover up!" He told you. "So are we gonna hang out alone or we gonna stay here being watched by your stalker wife?" You asked. "How about tomorrow we go to the bar alone?" He asked. "It's a not date I guess." You said laughing.

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