You guys have a big fight

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You guys have a big fight-

Ted- "Ted! Seriously I don't care if I accidentally threw away your magazines!" You screamed at him. "You did it on purpose!" He retorted. "Maybe but that's because you have a whole lot of them!" You screamed back. "Why can't you just say something that makes sense!" He threw one of his new magazines at you. "Ted! You are going to hurt me!" You screamed while ducking. "Good!" He screamed back. "Ted don't you love me?" You asked him. "Stop trying to change the subject!" He screamed at you. "I am tired of you saying 'I'm gonna be a famous architect so I need my magazines.' You have more magazines than a average girl!" You screamed back. "Well I'm sorry that my life isn't important to you." He said walking into his bedroom. You love Ted, you really did but it seems he loved architect crap more than you. You grabbed your coat and left the apartment. You were terrified and mad. He loved you but now you think that was a big fat lie. You walked the streets of Manhattan with a heavy heart. "I hate Ted Mosby!" You screamed. "Y/N Are you that mad at me?" He asked. "You love architecture more than me!" You screamed at him. "No I don't!" He screamed at you. "Ted you don't get it." You told him. "What don't I get?" He asked. "I just got over a bad break up and I barely know what you like. So maybe if you actually wanted to keep me then stop fighting just because I threw away your stupid architecture magazines away!"You sobbed. "Y/N I didn't know." He told you. "I know.I just wish for once some one cared for me." You said. "I do care for you. I love you." He said. You gave him a small smile and said "I love you too."

Barney- "I'm sorry that I am sometimes trying to sneak out the window I'm used to that." He told you. "Of course." You sighed. This was Barney's 15th time trying to leave his own house. All you really wanted was Barney to be a better boyfriend. "Maybe this isn't gonna work out." You told him. "What? Why?" He asked worried. "Let's face it Barney, You can't change. You aren't boyfriend material." You told him sadly. You really wished things could work out but he isn't the type of guy that has a girlfriend. "No, Y/N I can prove that I'm the perfect boyfriend!" He said. "How!" You asked. "I am one of the best people in the-" "I'm gonna stop you there. I don't care! Okay? Because all you care about is yourself. Making every night perfect and awesome! But you are just a lonely selfish jerk Barney!" You screamed at him. "Why do you think that?" He asked angry. "Because you have slept with over 200 women and now I'm so pretty and beautiful to you? No Barney just no! I don't believe you act any more!" You screamed thorough tears. You got up of the couch and left his apartment. "Y/N! Y/N! Get back here!" He screamed after you. You kept walking. You didn't care any more. "Y/N please. I just got over a break-up with Robin and I don't know what to do any more. I love the crap out of you and I can't stand living with out you. Please come back!" He screamed after you again. "Barney I love you too but maybe we aren't right for each other." You told him. "I don't want to be a Ted but I don't want to lose you. The way we met was amazing it was pure destiny." He told you. You wiped the tears from you eyes and smiled. "Don't be a Ted." You told him. "I love you Y/N." He told you. "You're a idiot." You told him. "I'll take that as I love you too Barney." He told you.

Marshall- "So what? You have been lying to Lily for a week now." You told him. "But Lily has suspicious!" He screamed. "Dude chill out." You said. "Chill out? Chill out? Seriously you would be the worst wife ever!" He screamed at you. You were stunned and angry. You wanted to punch him. "Okay that was uncalled for! God why are you being so cranky after you lied to her for a week?" You asked. "Because I don't like lying to my wife!" He yelled. "Yea well then maybe we shouldn't hang out no more!" You screamed back. You got up and started to leave the bar. "Oh come on! Stop being dramatic!" He yelled at you. "Bite me!" You screamed as you left the building. "Y/N!" He screamed as you kept walking, "Y/N!" "Sorry I can't talking to you I'm would be lying to Lily!" You screamed. "Ha! Very funny Y/N!" He yelled sarcastically. "Thank you I wanted to be a comedian!" You screamed back sarcastically. "Stop walking and look at me!" He screamed after you. You stopped and turned around "Marshall you are the closest to best friend I have these days." You told him. "What about Y/F/N?" He asked. "I like you more! You're funny and nice but you really care about your wife and I respect that. But I know that you love Lily a lot and all but I really need a good friend at these times." You told him. "Y/N I'm sorry I didn't know." He told you. "If it's all right with you we can pretend none of this ever happened." You said. "That would be nice." He told you.

Lily- "Wanna hang out later?" Lily asked. "Have to look for a job in the morning sorry." You told her. "I can get you a job as a kindergarten teacher!" She said excited. "I don't want to be no snobby kindergarten teacher." You told her. "We are not snobby!" She screamed. "All you guys do is take naps and color. I rather have a harder job." You told her. "Oh so you think you are so much better than me?" She asked. "All I said was I don't want to be a stupid kindergarten teacher!" You screamed at her. "Oh well I hope you have a great time being a... Whatever it is you are!" She screamed back. "Stop acting childish!" You yelled. "I'm not acting childish!" She retorted. You took a deep breath and said "I'm so sorry that I don't want to be a kindergarten teacher. It's not my fault." "Yeah're a jerk!" She pouted. "See right there is what I mean you are acting like a 4 year old!" You screamed at her. She mocked you. "Okay now that's just not right! You are such a big baby!" You told her. She gasped and said "Well you're a big jerk!" She said. You got up to leave when she said "Sorry I just haven't slept in a while because of everything that's going on. But I can help you get a job tomorrow." She said. "Okay!" You told her shaking your head.

Robin-"What do you mean you can't come to the party?" Robin asked you. "I don't want to go to some lame gun party." You told her. "But that's how we met!" She screamed. "The only reason I was there is because I was having a bad day! I don't shoot guns!" You screamed back. "But guns help you with your problems!" She whined. "Are you saying I have problems? Because I don't have problems I am perfectly fine!" You screamed at her. Of course you did have problems but you didn't want to admit to that. "Come on its one party please!" She begged. "It will be one lousy party with a bunch of drunk gun lovers!" You told her. "Hey! Not all of us are drunk!" She screamed. "I'm sorry Robin but no!" You screamed back. She was angry you could really tell but you wouldn't be around people with guns. "You know what I thought you were a nice friend Y/N but now I know you are just a gun hating freak!" She said. "I'm not a freak! I just don't want to be around drunk people with guns!" You retorted. "Whatever I don't care! I'm sorry that I have a different hobby." She told you. "One hour. I will stay for one hour. But if I hear a gun shot I am leaving." You told her. "Yay!" She yelled. You could already tell this was a bad idea.

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